Monday 2 January 2017

31st December 2016. Transition is About to Take Place I'm Samuel O. Abidoye ~ SamWealth

2016 taught me well and I taught 2016 very well. I learnt a lot from this year and it is leaving with so many lessons learnt from me.  I'm glad seeing the end of this year not as a mean man but as a man that now wine and dine with men that matter. This I say with heavenly sure backup. Seeing this moment with my loved ones, well wishers and fans is something worth rolling on the floor in appreciation to God for.

This year proved hard, but I showed my strength by proving strong, it proved so stubborn but I proved to be born not to stop but to keep trying, it proved dangerous, but through my God I proved that my dangerous ideas make me more dangerous than it. 2016 wanted to hit my back to the ground and wanted me to crash without trace, but with the help of God through the encouragement of my folks, I proved to 2016 that my background is not my limit, I'm going places.

I thank God for making me victorious, I bless him for the Victors that surrounds me, I appreciate him for proving himself as my father. Appreciation goes to my friends alike, for being there from the very start. To my amazing Visionaries, family members and all those that has one input or the other in my life. I say thank you.

2017 is my own year. I want to go Global next year and I beg that we go together. Let's make our dreams not mere dream but a hold of realisable possibilities. The book with the status "well done"  is opened already to record my name. Grace, determination, action, perseverance and diligence will take me there.

Heaven isn't afraid of my survival as I enter into 2017 as an eagle and a Lion alike. #Optimism

#Massive moves makes me mister man - Samuel O. Abidoye 2017
I embrace 2017 fearlessly!
Happy new week
Happy new month & 
Happy New Year in a bit.


  1. Wow. What a write up, you are blessed for this more inspiration to do greater works

  2. But, why did you stop writing and putting up write-ups here. We cherish this and would love more, Sir. SOA kindly resume writing to enlighten us the more.
