Monday 2 January 2017

31st December 2016. Transition is About to Take Place I'm Samuel O. Abidoye ~ SamWealth

2016 taught me well and I taught 2016 very well. I learnt a lot from this year and it is leaving with so many lessons learnt from me.  I'm glad seeing the end of this year not as a mean man but as a man that now wine and dine with men that matter. This I say with heavenly sure backup. Seeing this moment with my loved ones, well wishers and fans is something worth rolling on the floor in appreciation to God for.

This year proved hard, but I showed my strength by proving strong, it proved so stubborn but I proved to be born not to stop but to keep trying, it proved dangerous, but through my God I proved that my dangerous ideas make me more dangerous than it. 2016 wanted to hit my back to the ground and wanted me to crash without trace, but with the help of God through the encouragement of my folks, I proved to 2016 that my background is not my limit, I'm going places.

I thank God for making me victorious, I bless him for the Victors that surrounds me, I appreciate him for proving himself as my father. Appreciation goes to my friends alike, for being there from the very start. To my amazing Visionaries, family members and all those that has one input or the other in my life. I say thank you.

2017 is my own year. I want to go Global next year and I beg that we go together. Let's make our dreams not mere dream but a hold of realisable possibilities. The book with the status "well done"  is opened already to record my name. Grace, determination, action, perseverance and diligence will take me there.

Heaven isn't afraid of my survival as I enter into 2017 as an eagle and a Lion alike. #Optimism

#Massive moves makes me mister man - Samuel O. Abidoye 2017
I embrace 2017 fearlessly!
Happy new week
Happy new month & 
Happy New Year in a bit.

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™ _27-12-2016._For You

Good Morning my wonderful friends and family. You are all amazing, I appreciate your greetings. This season will catapult us to greater places. It's been God all the way, joy fill the whole place, wonderful moment being shared with wonderful people.

Just four days to go. 2016 will have to go whether we like it or not, 2017 will be delivered unto us as another open platform and fresh start, to do as we want and act as we love. We are in charge of planning how we want our year to be like. The earlier the plans the greater the result.

The question to that now is, what and what are your plans. What preparation are you making to make the best out of 2017. Living your life the same way you have been living it in 2016 is not advisable, we are growing and moving forward. There should therefore be no set back of any kind in our lives. We should get better on daily basis.

Start thinking and planning so that it won't be difficult to achieve what others are achieving with ease. Plot the graph of every of your movements and deeds in 2017, plot what you desire and let all your works be concentrated towards achieving your stated plans.

The atmosphere still smells festivity. Keep enjoying yourself, but do not allow merriment to overshadow self empowerment and betterment. Edify not only your body, allow your soul serious edification. I love you and admire everything about you simply because, you are you and you are Unique.

Tomorrow is a great day for me. It's approaching, and I keep analysing and accessing myself. My dear, it's been God, it hasn't being by power and it will never be. God's grace made the race runnable. Happy Birthday to me in advance, I'm celebrating myself because I am a celebrity worthy of celebration.

*#AnotherYearOfCelebratingPurposeDiscovery.* Thank You father.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth.

I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights. Let's talk.

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™ _25-12-2016._Merry Christmas Fans

What a day! I am grateful to my most compassionate, great and faithful God. The rage of the wicked since the beginning of this month has been so serious. But God remains a faithful father. No evil record was taken concerning my family members, staff, fans, mentors and mentees, God is worthy to be praised!

This day, I pray that the entrance of this celebration illuminate our lives, and transform our ignorance. Let this celebration come with divine restoration, Everlasting joy, eternal bliss and God's love.

I can celebrate, the greatest and most popular Celebrity (Jesus Christ), on a day like this all because I am saved by him and all to his glory. There is nothing as wonderful as surrendering all to him, for our celebration and acknowledgment of his birth to be recognised. I could see many are happy and celebration hits the roof in all places. Wow, what a day! again I repeat, there is a question that should be answered by all and what is this question?

Have you ever asked yourself what the benefit of his birth is in your life, his birth and destiny fulfillment stories aren't new in our ears, we've read it and heard it countless times, what are those things we are doing now in order not to make his coming into this world vain in our lives. He is been celebrated today, for choosing to come and die for our sins, a decision chosen without a second thought and up till today has done something huge for the whole world.

His coming as the Judge and no longer mediator is at hand. Be prepared, for the celebration here after is greater than any you could ever imagine. Let's be mindful of how we live our lives, let's all of us partake in the eternal wonderful Alleluia worship.

Enjoy every moment of this special day. I love you and cherish you so much. Can't wait to welcome you all with me into 2017. God bless

Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth.

I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights

Friday 23 December 2016

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™ _24-12-2016_ Season of Recovery

Towards the end of the month of November and so far in the month of December, I have attended and read broadcast of many programmes, Church programmes most especially, the themes of which are centred on Recovery. With this mentality to the glory of God, a lot of good things that were once lost have been recovered by many, who acknowledge the fact that something is missing in their lives.

Good morning sons and daughters of the most righteous father. I want to believe you are elated and grateful to see a beautiful and glorious day like this, Christmas eve as we call it, at that. You of course ought to be enthusiastic about moving closer to the end of the year with every seconds that passes by. But I want to advise that to your great feeling of enthusiasm, add sincere personal assessment, in order for you to know what you still need or do not need in this year and in crossing over into the coming year.

With the happenings of recovery everywhere, what situation, attribute, character, material, vision and other better life's determinants needs to be recovered and reinstalled in your life. Everyone surely has something to recover, if only you can be sincere with yourself during your personal assessment. According to research, large percentage of youths in this present age recorded and is still recording high reduction in sanity and positivity, All these reductions are as results of what has been lost in the past. The best way to aim the great height you use to be before or even higher, you sincerely need to first of all acknowledge the fact that something which needs reinstallation is needed in your life. If you still find yourself in the camp of pretenders, where they've trodden under foot, the reality of themselves but work according to fake frame of personality.

Many comes out and outline complaints of how better their former is when compared to their future. I read better before than I do now, I pray better before than I do now, I study and meditate on the word better before, than I do now and many more. Majority of youths keep finding difficulties in the deeds of what will promote their lives and destinies but don't find it difficult to do other things. My dear, no one can rescue you better than yourself. Rescue yourself now before it is too late, recover and don't cross into 2017 with expired products and life.

Rescue yourself by completing the mission of assessment which is to check critically and proffer solution to setbacks and problems. Sit yourself down and ask yourself questions, it isn't difficult. It is in the course of asking and answering questions, that you will get answers to all life's questions left unanswered. I am writing you this morning because I believe in you and I believe you will make it someday. I love you and cherish you and that is why I wouldn't be affected by taking out of my time to inform you.

December 28th in a bit. The mouthpiece of the most Holy God was born in the 90s on a Day like it. Have a productive day Dearies.

Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights. Let's talk.

Monday 19 December 2016

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™ 19-12-2016. The Reality of Vision

The mind's picture that allow one feature in the future. Vision is that passport that will land you in your destination as ordered by and from heaven. Good morning Great ones, I trust you enjoyed your night rest! It's a fresh beginning of a special week. What are you seeing to be of you in another journey that will begin in two weeks time, what you picture about this fast approaching journey of another three hundred and sixty five days is called Vision.

There is a vision that birth visions, insight that clear the sights of others. A vision given from heaven on the fifteenth of July, two thousand and fifteen. An eye through this vision has seen into the coming year and has covered the whole event of how things will run. It's time to uncover possibilities that have been veiled with impossibility in time past up till now. It's time to activate the can-do option of life and think in the I'm possible realm of the mind.

What Visionaries have always want to see is continuous improvement, betterment, development and progress in the lives of people, in their residents, and in the country at large. Old women and men who we believe are in the dependent stage of their life are also struggling to make ends meet, what a life!.

Youths with glorious destiny and wonderful future have truncated the plans of divinity for their life by involving themselves dubious and fraudulent act, causing increment in crime commitment everyday. What a life I have always thought and what can solve all this. A journey of a thousand miles begins truly with a massive move and we need to begin the move to heal our land.

Possibilities Visionaries International, a nation of distinguished thinkers and seers of Possibilities in what or who has been written off, be it business, academics, career or life generally. Going about, Rekindling fainted hopes, empowering the weak, encouraging the mocked, helping up the downtrodden, giving wisdom to fools and waking up sleeping lions.

What an assignment every right thinking privileged citizens should partake in. Weekly and Monthly programmes and projects that must see the light of reality have been prepared and fixed, do yourself a great good by joining a  vision set to make right all things in the bad frame-like economy. I stand to ensure lives are being transformed and to help people accomplish the essence of their existence. Help people to get better and you will see that your getting better in all ramifications is not farfetched.

I say, afford yourself this opportunity. Join again I say join!

Have a productive day and let every moment marks fruitfulness.

Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

Sunday 11 December 2016

•||Didactic||Exhortation||With||SamWealth||•DEWS• 06-12-2015. SamWealth's Inspirational Corner!

Tuesday Tip
Beautiful morning to you all, I trust you had a wonderful Monday. It's been a while though, we stopped DEWS for sometime so that those helping us with the online update can meet up.

Thank God for protecting us up to seeing a day as bright as this. Happy New month to you all. Welcome to the month of Kings and Queen because I was born in this month.

Happiness is the key to greatness in life, be it academically, maritally, career wise, and other endeavours we engage in as human.

We can liken happiness to being fortunate, lucky, contented and satisfied. When you are happy you are pleased with whatever is happening around you, because you are on the right track. When you are well suited to a situation you are happy.

I know of a very rich home of 2 children and their parent. Their home is referred to as a home of conflict in their vicinity, why? Because happiness is missing in that family.

Happiness will point you out for greatness. "Happy is that man that findeth his purpose in the land of the living, whosoever has discovered his or her purpose on earth will be successful". This shows that happiness is the bedrock of everything.

If there is anything you are involved in and you are not deriving happiness from, it is better you quit or make amendments, if you don't, you might have to fail.

Many students have been pushed to do courses they don't like, many are those that have been force to marry people they don't love, many have chosen the wrong career and have ended up woefully.

Every wrong step taken will yield nothing but wrong result-Abidoye O. Samuel.

Get out of the trap of men, stand out of the multitude and be above your colleagues.

Many thanks for reading and sharing.
God bless you and I cherish you.
Have a blessed day ahead.

Anticipate the POWERFUL T. W. O.

•||Didactic||Exhortation||With||SamWealth||•DEWS•™ 28/12/2015. °SamWealth's Inspirational Corner° END OF THE YEAR ADVICE FROM DEWS (1)

     Good Morning great minds. How was your night? I am so happy today. In fact i am the happiest man today. For the fact that I am a year older today. God has added to me and he is still adding to me.

     My heart felt appreciation goes to every one most especially my family, friends, brethren in Christ, fellow visionaries, course mates, wonderful family on campus, all ascomites, and every other person.

     Today is indeed a great day for me. I have chosen to impact lives today. I want to share with you a key thing in life, which I have always apply and I can see the result and end product in my life today. If you can determine to start applying it as from today. It will definitely work for you.

     ''THINK AND TAKE ACTION''. I will never forget this statement propounded by myself and my friend Mr. Kore nicked 'fanta'; "The world doesn't really belongs to thinkers, the world really belong to THE THINKER-DOERS"...

     Many people most especially youth of now a days can think big, and also can plan excellently but find it difficult to take actions due to the risk involved.

    Not minding the fact that we have several great men and women across the world from different races, every great man or woman you know, you've seen or you've heard about, there is always one thing they have in common and that is the ability to think their way out of problems. They  have a thinking formulae for every problem and challenges that wants to struck. After thinking they plan and take action.

     The only difference between the rich and the poor is the way they think and also their decision in terns of taking actions.

     I so much detest the word wish, how I wish, how I wish, it kills, yeah it does!. If wishes were to be granted immediately uttered, believe me those we refer to as the poor will be the wealthiest persons on earth.

     I challenge you today to think your way out of the multitudes and take actions. Don't be afraid of taking risks, don't give up. Life is all about risk starting from the inception. Think big, act as required so that you will grow big and move.

     Act now. Do not shift, do not procastinate. Do the right thing at the right time and the right thing shall always locate you at the right time. Be as low and humble as possible. Read book that will promote your thinking and guide you in whatsoever field.

     Have someone that will mentor you and challenge you to think and take actions. You need a spring of motivation that will make you motivate your self and get fulfilled.

     Thank you very much for reading and sharing.

I'm fulfilling destiny!