Sunday 11 December 2016

•||Didactic||Exhortation||With||SamWealth||•DEWS• 06-12-2015. SamWealth's Inspirational Corner!

Tuesday Tip
Beautiful morning to you all, I trust you had a wonderful Monday. It's been a while though, we stopped DEWS for sometime so that those helping us with the online update can meet up.

Thank God for protecting us up to seeing a day as bright as this. Happy New month to you all. Welcome to the month of Kings and Queen because I was born in this month.

Happiness is the key to greatness in life, be it academically, maritally, career wise, and other endeavours we engage in as human.

We can liken happiness to being fortunate, lucky, contented and satisfied. When you are happy you are pleased with whatever is happening around you, because you are on the right track. When you are well suited to a situation you are happy.

I know of a very rich home of 2 children and their parent. Their home is referred to as a home of conflict in their vicinity, why? Because happiness is missing in that family.

Happiness will point you out for greatness. "Happy is that man that findeth his purpose in the land of the living, whosoever has discovered his or her purpose on earth will be successful". This shows that happiness is the bedrock of everything.

If there is anything you are involved in and you are not deriving happiness from, it is better you quit or make amendments, if you don't, you might have to fail.

Many students have been pushed to do courses they don't like, many are those that have been force to marry people they don't love, many have chosen the wrong career and have ended up woefully.

Every wrong step taken will yield nothing but wrong result-Abidoye O. Samuel.

Get out of the trap of men, stand out of the multitude and be above your colleagues.

Many thanks for reading and sharing.
God bless you and I cherish you.
Have a blessed day ahead.

Anticipate the POWERFUL T. W. O.

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