Sunday 11 December 2016

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_14-07-2016._ Blessed Vessels.

When the sun rises, it shines bright for the benefit of everyone and not itself only, the bulb that brightens a magnificent edifice, illuminate the whole building and Shine for the benefit of all in the dark. The word rightly state that "Let your light so shine before men, that your good works might be perceived and your Father in heaven glorified". This mark my usual request that we should grow to benefit and better humanity in order to bring glory to divinity, many successes have been recorded but only few successes allow for record of more successes not from oneself but from others. Here is what I mean, are you the only benefactor of what you've been blessed with by God? Are you the only one enjoying that which you've been able to achieve or attain from life. If Jesus has not laid down his life, I wonder how salvation will come unto our forefathers, ourselves and posterity.

Some people after going through the whole stress and hard work of making it in life and become successful finally, they see no reason why they should help others, after all, these people didn't come in to play and suffer with me while I was suffering, is what they all say. You should know that, your effort is as useful as nothing if not for grace that was at work, if it is a contact that brought about the contract that uplifted you in life, then serve as the same contact that will bring contract to many others, knowing full well that if not for that contact you got through grace, you might still be in the struggle to make ends meet. It is not only in finances, there are many other ways you can be of help to others. Blessed vessels are those that are blessed by God and that bless others in return. Your wealth and riches are useless, if around you still lives people who suffer an MD are downtrodden. Your wealth of knowledge and experiences are useless if there are still people around you that are in need of motivation and encouragement to keep them moving.

You have been blessed in different areas, it will be good if you can serve humanity with your blessing, you will never regret it. Heaven never forget those that do good, because doing to humanity is indirectly doing to divinity, when you feed humanity, divinity is filled, when you cloth humanity divinity cherishes the beauty that surrounds it, when you encourage humanity, divinity feel happy and motivated to keep you. The good the rich fool couldn't do for just infinitesimal time was what landed him in hell, where he spends eternity, just to give little out of the million he own, made him suffer the severe pain of hell forever. God will release upon us, the grace and the power not to be weary of doing good.

We are blessed in one way or the other, let others benefit from your blessing, be it Spiritual, Intellectual, physiological, financial and/or in any area at all. The route to receiving more is giving more. I hope you will consider this morning message and go your way to always ensure you do good as a blessed vessel.

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!

This should be read by every one, share with all your friends and groups.


Written by: Samuel O. Abidoye.

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