Sunday 11 December 2016

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_14-07-2016._ THE TONGUE

Elizabeth woke up this morning, glad and elated, something special must have occurred in her dream, in no time she started her morning devotion, she sang with great enthusiasm and prayed for minutes out of a sincere heart that really wants something. After prayer she got into the bathroom to realise her water has been used, with a loud voice that could deafen the ears she started raining curses, mighty curses that should not be heard by any one. Just like a person that looked into the mirror to know how natural and beautiful she looks and went her way, all to forget what manner of being she is. How it is that the same tongue she happily praised God with and pray with early that day, was the same tongue she cursed with.

The tongue! a member of the body and also the head of the world it leads. A world of two different output categories, a world of evil and a world of good. A world of iniquity and fairness, a world of destruction and instructions. Many have killed with their tongue while few have bring back to live with their tongue. The same tongue you use to pray to your God, the same tongue you use to bless yourself and family, you still use to insult, abuse, discourage, curse and do all manner of evil. Why not personally define the use of your own tongue, so that you can build your world around the definition of use you've given to your own tongue.

Many a times I wonder how a fountain can bring forth both salt water and fresh water, I wonder how bitter and sweet water can be produced from the same fountain. Outrightly impossible! But why then do parents, leaders, so-called pastors, apostles, ministers, and other great men of God find it easy to utter curses, insults and abuses out of the same mouth they use to bless, praise and pray to God? It is not good enough and totally out of sane, it is very wrong and should be avoided. The words that proceed out of the mouth of most of us have discouraged great projects, deter great destinies, quenched awakening hopes and have cause many to think to the point of committing suicide to eliminate themselves.

This is a golden medium to inform us of what our tongue is capable of doing, either to strengthen or break bonds of relationship, either to encourage or discourage plans and projects, either to kindle or quench hope, either to better or worsen situations, either to promote or demote, either to kill or bring alive, either to inform or deform, either to bring laughter or to bring weeping of regret. Among all these options, to which there are still more, you can structure your tongue usage and select which is best for you to do with your tongue.

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh, your words is the reflection of your thoughts and who you really are. Let your words heal. In showing forth your good works through conversation apply the meekness of wisdom. Your wisdom in using your tongue rightly shouldn't be sensual, earthly and devilish. Let it come from above. If it comes from above, the most righteous source, you will definitely use your tongue productively to meet the standards of heaven. Your thoughts will be right and your words too.

The words that proceed out of your mouth will either increase or decrease the war you have to fight in this world of war. - Abidoye O. Samuel.

A word they say is enough for a wise. Be slow to speak, Be swift to listen and wrath will be far fetched. God bless you, enjoy a productive day.

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!

This should be read by every one, share with all your friends and groups.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth.

I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights. Let's talk.

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