Friday 9 December 2016

Why Allow Them Laughter?

Good Morning to you all this morning. Welcome to today's Exhortation with Samuel O. Abidoye, I hope you had a glorious night. It's a bright new day, and I hope you know that a new charge is needed to run a new day, to activate the grace specially designed for today, and to strengthen you to run the race of this year completely.
The question, why allow them laughter? is coming to you today. Over the previous years it has been proven that, there is no man on Planet earth without an enemy, He that doesn't have enemy is he who have been conquered already by that enemy of his. Give your ears to me and listen, those mad men you see everyday on streets once had enemy, they allow their enemies chances of laughter and that is why you find them that way, but from that moment that the enemy had gotten them, they no longer have enemies because the enemies have successfully carry out their enterprise(s) by making them run mad and by snatching the productivity of their minds away from them.

Men and women of great potentials, who had died without realising that greatness lied untapped within them, once had one enemy or the other, but at that point of success realised by the enemy, they then back out of the person's issue, since they've accomplish their mission and have successfully killed the person without any fulfillment, what a pity! It's painful to know that the grave is recorded to be the most beautiful place on Planet earth because of the greatness it has swallowed, untapped potentials, unwritten books, unsung songs, undanced dances, unrealised lights and many other wonderful gifts.

Those who died unrealised are people of great glories worth envying, and that is why their greatness attracts the wrath of the enemy and rage from the pit of hell, you should be glad when you realise you have enemies and haters seems to be everywhere, it shows you bear within you great light, the brightness of which the enemy can not comprehend. They cover your mind with the veil of ignorance and disallow you from discovering that greatness. They have started their rage since when you were in your mother's womb knowing nothing, they knew you have an assignment, they knew you have been ordained to solve problems and to be in charge of certain helms, and they hating good things, try as best as they can to quench that light meant to brighten the dark of humanity.

You must not allow the enemy laughter over the essence of your existence, make them cry for their failure by ensuring you accomplish the reason why you were created. Focus your attention on things above, because from their alone can purely strong encouragement come, planet earth is full of well packaged discouragement. Trust yourself and trust your God. Focus on the greatness you were sent to unleash, lay your attention keenly on the darkness you were designed to illuminate. The enemy keep risking heights to snatch your glory, you can as well risk heights to succeed and throw the enemy into grievous agony and mourning.

Acknowledge your source so that you won't lack resources, identify your muse so that you won't lack muscle. Stop, I repeat stop allowing the enemies laughter over you. Shock them by doing what they don't want you to do (positive actions) and by not doing what they want yo​u to do (mistakes).

Peace be unto you! 

Invite friends and family, let them also read and be blessed.

Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel SamWealth

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