Saturday 10 December 2016


Good morning specially designed gems, this morning I just have a short message for my wonderful friends and fellow Brethren. Success awaits you at the end, that beautiful golden crown you've been dreaming of, awaits you at the end of your journey, if you can critically look into what I am about to briefly discuss and ensure to do what is right even as you continue in the race. It seems like an endless journey, it has actually ended for some and it will surely end one day for you too. It is certain! Start empowering yourself and determine where you will end up as early as now, it is important.

Many Churches in this contemporary world fails to carry out their duty as a family and that is why leaders in the Christendom turn churches, the house of God into a manufacturing company of several sins and unpleasant things, which are not at all time obvious, but if you are at alert in the spirit, you will note all these things with ease. I have come to realise something, which I will disclose this morning, for us to know and determine how effective and godly our leadership role in the Church of God is, first of all carry out the same research on your immediate family.

The Bible noted one key thing in the book of 1st Timothy 3:5, since the day I came across this Bible verse, I realised that, it is actually the problem of many vessels most especially leaders, whether young or old in the house of God. Before leading others, there are some key people, whose spiritual Stand you must ensure is good enough and up to God's standard, and they are your family; Your Wife/Husband and your Children, let's consider what that portion of the Bible says - "For if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the Church of God".

There is this funny cliché but bitter truth among Christians and even unbelievers that - "The Children of Church Leaders are as worldly as you can ever imagine, they don't just show it". There are some fault you will be detained for which might lead you to hell fire. The truth is, if you know your family is not in order, if you know the spirituality of your family is nothing to write home about, I implore you to leave the work of God first then go and attend to things that requires your attention in your home, the way you lead the people of God is a replica of the way you lead your family at home, if not replica then you are leading the Church of God in hypocritically in pure pretence. In order to avoid pretence in God's Vineyard and to promote replication of positive leadership values, you need to go back to your heavenly assigned Church of God, because it is the only institution God recognises as relating to you, and when judging your works in his Vineyard, he will start from your immediate family. It is therefore important to go back and make necessary amendments.

Unbelievers out there are not easily convinced again, simply because they see no reason worthy enough for them to join the body of Christ even in the lives of the so-called Children of God.

A family in God, is a nation of faithfulness, how great it will be and how happy we will be, if we get to heaven and still find each and every of our family members there. They are the first set of people that determine our place in heaven. Let's be watchful and ensure our family is up to heavenly standard, the light of a family should be marvelous enough to illuminate the dark of this world.


°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell.

He that hath ears, let him hear what God is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.

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