Sunday 11 December 2016

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_08-07-2016._ PRAYER WORKS

Good day wonderful breeds of the most creative God. I hope you are all doing well. We are going places, just stay glued and keen to your most promising source of inspiration, and get from it everything you need as a man or woman of destiny, in this world of serious competition. Let's discuss something timing this morning. Prayer is the key, pray is the master key that unlock all kinds of locked doors. There are more to prayer that this general knowledge.

Answers to prayer comes in form of instructions and directions, rightly applied instructions is what brings about the manifestation of our requests. Only few know this truth, and thank God it has come now to illuminate our ignorance, nothing comes by chance but by choice, the choice is between listening and applying of heavenly instructions or folding arms to watch miracle happen without doing anything, it may seems hard at times but you just have to apply these instructions in order to get your needs met, and be what you need to be.

I was in a discussion of reality with a friend and mentor yesterday, he said; "if praying brings money, then Prayer warriors should be richest, but prayer only gives you direction or revelational insight, you must work it out". Our God remains the same, he follows process and he will always follow process, Someone said; we are the architect of our own ministry and misery. We have to work out what we want by ourselves. Ours is to demand, heavens is to provide instructions and directions, ours is also to apply instructions given from heaven in order to make happen the reality of all our demands.

All what prayer does is make our endeavours easy and lubricate situation for us, so that we can easily attain heights in life with little or no stress, that doesn't mean we should sit back with folded arms. We still have to work to help our faith. The good news this morning is that, prayer works! It seeming not to work for us, simply because, we refuse to do what is required of us to balance the equation involved in ask and it shall be given. Only God does his own part of the job, we most time fail to carry out ours and it can never work that way, both party have to carry out their responsibilities to ensure full manifestations of demand.

Our God is still in the business of providing his children with their needs, Go to him and he will not fail you. Just believe, have faith and be ready to work.

Embrace him! Embrace Success!

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!

This should be read by every one, share with all your groups.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

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