Saturday 10 December 2016


Good Morning your Eminence. I hope you enjoyed your night rest and set for today's activities? There is something that baffles me a lot in the Christendom, it is startling and pathetic to see the so-called Christians turning man like them into their god in place of the Most Powerful God who created all humans. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, a lot of people don't longer regard God, they believe regarding the man of God is regarding God also, probably not directly, it's true but it shouldn't be too much.

He said in the book of Jeremiah 1:5; he has anointed us from our mother's womb to be Prophets and Prophetesses unto many nations. The length at which many can receive from the Lord has been shortened because they believe in what other humans like the so-called Prophets, Pastors and what have you, have for them from the Lord. Many have limited themselves so much that they can't approach their God for anything unless they see a man of God, they lose the insight of the fact that, God has anointed each and every one of us to be ministers, Prophets, Pastors, Prophetesses unto ourselves and nations.

The only thing that can distant us from God and God from us is our sins according to Isiaha 59:1-2, which I believe by now we have the understanding and we've been trying to live a life free of it, God helping us. Sincerely if your way is right with God, he will amaze you with dumbfounding testimonies, he will offer you what no man can offer, it is expected that He should be your Father, Mother, Best friend, and every other thing you can ever imagine. Ask him for anything, he is ready to Give you. He is also ready to use you to achieve mighty things, if you are ready to allow him.

If you believe you can not get anything without consulting a man of God, then you are depriving yourself of Great benefits, you are also limiting yourself and truncating chances of becoming greater, it may be hard for you to rise above that person, because in that case you put your trust in a human like yourself instead of trusting in God. Asking by yourself from God will make you fly higher altitudes in demands and reception.

Make your ways right before him, acknowledge the leading of the Holy Spirit and demand for it, Pray without ceasing, Believe and you will surely receive.


°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell

He that hath ears, let him hear what God is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.

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