Friday 9 December 2016

Are You Worthy of Gratulation?

Good Morning your eminence. I hope you had the best version of sleep last night. New month messages never cease flowing in from all angles which includes social groups, friends, fans and many other happy people, who are feeling great enthusiast for seeing the last month of the year 2016. Let me do the same by wishing my wonderful and ever committed fans Happy new month, it shall be a month of total recovery of good things for you by God's grace. It's a month of repossession and reinstallation, until you've recovered and acquired never stop trying.

To the business of today. The question being asked up there is for me and you to answer. Are you, am I worthy of gratulation? Gratulation is simply the feeling of satisfaction, it is the salutation offered you for being successful and satisfactory. Happy New Month messages  like I similarly said earlier on keep dropping in from various groups and contacts, I was troubled in thought and this question came in, I want you to please answer it. To you, what is happy about the month aside the fact that you are alive? No doubt, being alive is enough reason to bless God and show sincere appreciation, but haven't you heard of living corpse, walking through the road of life without impact.

What have you achieved this year that is worth celebrating you for? Is the question, please provide me with a sincere answer. How many lives can happily refer to you as their saviour this year? How many lives have you touched with that which you know how to do best? You just keep sleeping and waking, carrying out your day to day activities, no extra in your ordinary activities. Last year is even seeming better than this year for you and you can comfortably sit back and send round Happy new month messages.

It is my month actually, it marks the end of the year, and we should be able to access ourselves and our achievements this year, have a vivid flashback to your resolutions and plans for the year, how many out of your plans have seen the light of Realities. It is worth shedding tears for, realising that majority of us are not productive as far as this year is concern. I am not happy about it at all, Divinity is so sad about it. You should not be happy about it also, if at all you are in your right senses. But now that all these had happened and you seems not to be different from the dead, because they wrought no special impact neither do you, is there still way out.

Most definitely, there are one million and one escape routes. Ending this year as a living corpse and waster of heavenly resources is not advisable, I as a matter of fact want to End this year empty of all the potential greatness I entered into this year with. There are thirty and one days in this month, it is possible to make massive moves that will cause enormous impact in each day. The way out is to think and act. Think of what you can do with all that lies inside of you. Don't just think, think it, believe it and act it.

Empty yourself please, so that you can be refined, refilled and refreshed for 2017. Don't carry over, the gifts, living waters, solutions and great potentials, exceptional discoveries, melodious songs, inspirational books, resurrecting living words designed for 2016 into 2017. It will be a great disaster for you and for many, whose achievement and destiny in general has been connected to yours, and you will have to use expired potentials and outdated raw materials next year. Please don't!

Let's continue later!

Welcome to the month of Legends! It is my month. Have a productive December.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel SamWealth.

I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights. Let's talk.

||Abidoye O• Samuel's Company|| Copyright © 2016, DEWS Inc. All Rights Reserved

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