Saturday 10 December 2016


I am very sure many have been anticipating the 6th edition of the insight that heals article, I am deeply sorry I could not get it across for four days now, I have a lot on my plate. By the special grace of the Most high we shall continue this morning. This morning piece is a powerful one, no one should scroll off without reading. Enjoy!

The passion to propagate the gospel, hence populating the kingdom of God is right there within many Christians, but just like I was some months back, serving him with all my heart but was ashamed of his gospel, not until the day I realised there is a general assignment he has committed into the hands of all men, which if we don't carry out, our service in his Vineyard will be rendered ineffective, because the rays of our work aren't going beyond the roof of our various churches. Christianity is actually beyond this, that is why we are called the Light of the world, we are meant to shine for the whole world to know the basic essence of their existence. What do I mean?

The rate at which devil is harvesting the souls of people; young and old nowadays is very high, but it still amazes me so much seeing churches preach what is of no benefit to our Spirit man, as a matter of fact there was a time I was troubled in thought, and I was forced to ask myself what the essence of every Sunday gathering is, when it is only the gathering of the saved what of the unsaved out there, even our Lord Jesus Christ said he came for the unsaved, the sinners, if not him who else should we emulate, ourselves?. Just imagine on Sundays, instead of the normal service routine, that has become a tradition unknowingly, All churches go out for massive evangelism; preaching the gospel and propagating the knowledge of the kingdom of heaven, making the world know the danger of Hell, sincerely there will be changes in all aspects and the fire of revival we've been wanting all these while will surely come to and restore our land.

There is a general assignment, and the fact is, it is to the largest extent one of the determinants of your reigning with the father at the end. If you are ashamed of him here on earth, he would also be ashamed of you hereafter. Taking his assignment for granted, may make you end up in the wrong place. Christians, we are becoming cold and that is the reason for all we are experiencing now. I hope I have been able to communicate something key this morning.

It has been my prayer that the Kingdom of God and the Fire of revival should come into our land, and that the activities of the sons and daughters of the bondwomen will be put off from our dear Country forever.


°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell.

He that hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.

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