Sunday 11 December 2016

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_05-06-2016._INJECT MORE EFFORT

"Thank God it is Monday! Is what you are doing today getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow? Go, inject more effort into that dream today." I hope you all woke up on the right side of your bed, Good morning your royal majesties. How was your night? Let's begin.

The above was the first message I received from MTN this morning, it is worth a million dollar so I decided to share. If you are living every day of your life, and you notice no distinct improvement worth pointing at, it means you are just whining away time. What is the essence of the twenty four hours in a day in your life, are you working everyday to be victorious in your field or you keep failing without remaking your failure to success and reshaping your mistake to star. What is the essence of the one hundred and sixty eight hours you own to yourself in every week spent, time is an equal asset own by every human being, investing in your time is what determine your standard of living, I don't know if you get that?

Today is a sincere start of a bright week, make all you do count. Do what you love doing and love whatever you find yourself doing, make sure every step you take is a drop that will develop into the mighty ocean of your life. Solve people's problem, and while solving their problems please don't leave yours aside. Encourage someone, persuade him or her to think about something positive, do it and stay positive. Implant the Spirit of positivity into the lives of everyone you come across, and increase the world positive and optimistic minds. Your effort will determine when you will come forth as a star fashioned to shine forth. Inject more effort and make your future more clearer, brighter and real.

That is the short Exhortation for today! I hope you grabbed something?

Many thanks for reading, please share and encourage someone to press on and not give up! Enjoy your week, It is yours, use it wisely and judiciously.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

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