Saturday 10 December 2016


Good Afternoon sages, beautiful breeds and wonderful creatures of the most high God. I have been wanting to write you since morning, but due to some hindering circumstances, I was delayed to write not until now because of the pressing feelings I have been having concerning the issue I am about to discuss.

It was myself and my God this morning during my quiet time, I went deep in sight and I was shown many things beyond my comprehension. If you think it is only your work in the vine yard of God that will save you and come together to situate your mansion in heaven, then, I am afraid you haven't started at all. Serving in God's vine yard and working day and night to make things go well as expected is very good, but the way you do your things outside there (the Vineyard) matters a lot and the most, the day I heard this statement - "Christians are the "Bible" new converts and unbelievers read".I didn't just hear for the sake of hearing alone. I was hit by that statement and I felt bad within me, making a final decision to drop some things and abandon an old man, a misrepresentation of Christ in my life.

Giving in God's Vineyard is good, such giving doesn't go I'm vain, one day there are great tendencies of reading something greater that what was given. But let me ask you, what are you doing to those that are desperately in need of basic things outside the vineyard? It is high time we stop seeing with the lens of the world and start seeing with lens of mercy, seeing through the eyes of our merciful father. I am sure we would all start seeing life from a different perspective and the change we've been awaiting for long will come.

Let your works be felt beyond the four walls of your Church auditorium; as a matter of fact, large percentage of those in your church have been saved, millions are out there unsaved; what are you doing to save them? Let's be clear about this, I am not saying you should abandon your church, but don't allow the four walls of your Church limit your service to God. Aside meeting people to preach to them the good news of the Saviour of our world, giving to them what they need, showing them care and love is part of propagating knowledge of the Kingdom.

Go out there and help people, go out there and contribute to the growth of the environment, go out there and make impact, go out there and clothe the clothless; feed those that are hungry, care for those that are downtrodden and depressed, help those that need help, and by so doing you are representing the body of Christ as you ought to and your impact is living beyond the four walls of your church and will live on after you are gone!

He that has ears, let him hear what God is Communicating through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.


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