Friday 23 December 2016

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™ _24-12-2016_ Season of Recovery

Towards the end of the month of November and so far in the month of December, I have attended and read broadcast of many programmes, Church programmes most especially, the themes of which are centred on Recovery. With this mentality to the glory of God, a lot of good things that were once lost have been recovered by many, who acknowledge the fact that something is missing in their lives.

Good morning sons and daughters of the most righteous father. I want to believe you are elated and grateful to see a beautiful and glorious day like this, Christmas eve as we call it, at that. You of course ought to be enthusiastic about moving closer to the end of the year with every seconds that passes by. But I want to advise that to your great feeling of enthusiasm, add sincere personal assessment, in order for you to know what you still need or do not need in this year and in crossing over into the coming year.

With the happenings of recovery everywhere, what situation, attribute, character, material, vision and other better life's determinants needs to be recovered and reinstalled in your life. Everyone surely has something to recover, if only you can be sincere with yourself during your personal assessment. According to research, large percentage of youths in this present age recorded and is still recording high reduction in sanity and positivity, All these reductions are as results of what has been lost in the past. The best way to aim the great height you use to be before or even higher, you sincerely need to first of all acknowledge the fact that something which needs reinstallation is needed in your life. If you still find yourself in the camp of pretenders, where they've trodden under foot, the reality of themselves but work according to fake frame of personality.

Many comes out and outline complaints of how better their former is when compared to their future. I read better before than I do now, I pray better before than I do now, I study and meditate on the word better before, than I do now and many more. Majority of youths keep finding difficulties in the deeds of what will promote their lives and destinies but don't find it difficult to do other things. My dear, no one can rescue you better than yourself. Rescue yourself now before it is too late, recover and don't cross into 2017 with expired products and life.

Rescue yourself by completing the mission of assessment which is to check critically and proffer solution to setbacks and problems. Sit yourself down and ask yourself questions, it isn't difficult. It is in the course of asking and answering questions, that you will get answers to all life's questions left unanswered. I am writing you this morning because I believe in you and I believe you will make it someday. I love you and cherish you and that is why I wouldn't be affected by taking out of my time to inform you.

December 28th in a bit. The mouthpiece of the most Holy God was born in the 90s on a Day like it. Have a productive day Dearies.

Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights. Let's talk.

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