Friday 9 December 2016

Let The Journey Begin!

I am elated and glad. Just a scroll and keen study of what I have been derided and despised for, could lead to something as great as this. The Global race is taking off finally. Let's educate, let's empower, let's help, let's bless lives. The best way of deriving longlasting joy is by being a source of inspiration, joy and motivation to others. It's my home, it's your home, visit and enjoy yourself anytime, any day.

Our teamwork will make our dream work. It's an exhortation aimed at transforming lives, increasing the hotness of burning zeal, empowering the mind, educating leaders and potential leaders, strengthening the weak, proclaiming freedom to the bound in heart and changing unpleasant situation of things generally.

Each time you seem confused and perplexed about certain things, why not find your way here and be geared. Mountain top is ours to occupy, leave the valley for no one by also being a source of motivation to others. Tell them about a site like this and encourage them to visit from time to time as new springs of reformation are made available is several areas. There is no one that can make it without guidelines, this platform might be the abode of guidelines for the fulfillment of your destiny, no one can tell. Cling to it and make good use of every valuables that shall be made available through writings. The world await our manifestations as the product of the work of God's hand, don't be a signpost of mockery to the work of our Lord.

I humbly welcome you all, Samuel O. Abidoye's Fans. You have been there from the very beginning,  up till now, I am no body without God through you guys, you have been a functioning source of encouragement. Roles played in my lives are remembered, whether evil or good, they are all the reason why I am here today. If you are doing good, keep doing it, you are at the edge of a life transforming recognition, let the good works continue. If you are doing evil, stop before it alter your life and end you in destruction.

Let's run the race together!
Let's set the pace together!

The Spirit of God inspires our heart to communicate the intent of God's mind. BOOM!

I'm Samuel O. Abidoye also called SamWealth. God bless the ministry.

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