Saturday 10 December 2016


Good morning sages. I received countless messages from people saying Mr. Abidoye you are becoming more of a preacher than a coach and motivator the world know you as, many asked; Sir, has DEWS packed in, what's happening why the sudden change. My reply has been; my journey on earth is not a draft of my wish, it is the will of my Father who dwell in heaven and uses the earth as his footstool, I told them that I don't decide myself, I operate by the standard of divinity, the assignment that has been entrusted into my hands is what I am carrying out now. Oluwashinaayomi my son, no matter who your followers are, let the glaring truth be known, the right ones will stay and of course the rest will leave. How are you all this morning?

This morning, I shall be saying some things concerning "Attitude", this is a posts everybody should read. Attitude is your mode of behavior, that holds a reflection of how you think and feel. Attitude is a key factor in the life of every body, as a matter of fact it can be a hold of delay and stagnation, it can also be a hold of furtherance and advancement, we have to choose what role we want our attitude to play in our individual lives. 97% of the reason why you are where you are today is as a result of your character. If your attitude is right you will soar not only higher but right altitudes in life. Many don't longer receive the right training from their home again, they got chastised outside the home, and this is a big shame on the individual and on his or her family.

James Allen, a British Inspirational author said something that stroke my heart, he said "The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow, sow an act and reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character, sow a character and you reap a destiny", your attitude is a key determinant of your achievements in life, whether you will accomplish the essence of your existence or not. Tryon Edward said something similar, he said "Thoughts lead on to purposes, purposes go forth in actions, actions form habits, habits decide characters and characters fix our destiny". You determine what you become in life by how you choose to behave, act, react and respond to things that happen around you often.

The wisest man that ever lived in history, King Solomon said something amazing, amazing enough for us to think and act right, he said "A man's right attitude is what erect his stand before Kings and Queens, wrong attitude set you before mean men that doesn't matter". Now here is my message, only Kings and Queens are in heaven and for you to reign with them you need to correct your attitude to meet up with their standard, mean men are in hell fire burning eternally, you can't find mean men in heaven, if your attitudes are wrong then I believe by now you know your placement. Decide now in order for you not to fail God's purpose for your life. Attitude is the reason for the doom of many, it is also the reason for the elevation of Great men and women we see today, who passed through right paths to make good success.

I beseech you this morning that you treat your attitude rightly in order for you to find placement among Kings and Queens, the dominants of the Kingdom of heaven. Peace!

°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell

He that hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.

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