Sunday 11 December 2016

•||Dynamic||Exhortation||With||SamWealth||•DEWS•™ 24/12/2015. °SamWealth's Inspirational Corner° END OF THE YEAR ADVICE FROM DEWS (2)

Good morning orning Leaders of tomorrow and strength of the future. I hope you came across great things in your dream land. I trust you are doing well even with the family.

     We started this wonderful aspect of our article yesterday and I must tell you this, I received different types of encouraging comments from our great readers. I want to urge you to please read this also and try as much as possible to put all that will be said into action; and I believe you will begin to experience something positively different from before.

     A great man, highly respected king and honest preacher once advised, that as youth we should "Remember our creator in the days of our youth, when the evil days have not come". From this, we can deduce that as a person that has glory and as a person with a shining star, evil days will surely come, problems will surely surface, failure will struck. They can never be ruled out in the life of an extraordinary gem like you and me. But it has been rightly said that even if the evil days come, the only thing that can save us and keep us on track is recognising our predestination. A great and mighty divine personality took it as his responsibility to create someone like you so as to fit into somewhere in this world and do great wonders.

     Until we the youths of this nation get to know that we are not in this world by accident, neither are we here by chance, we will remain stagnant and our nation will be unproductive. As youths, where ever you find yourselves always know that you are a light and strength that should prevail. You can never become a winner until your soul has been won back to he who place you here.

     The G-factor is a very powerful factor that no man, I repeat, no man can succeed without it. You want to discover your purpose, the purpose is given by who you want to succeed, who gives success. You want to make impact in your generation without allowing the impact of Divinity in your life?NO WAY! Wake up and know that everything has source except our great Creator. You have a source;you are just a dust that can be blown away anytime, any day. You have to know your GOD which is the G-factor and serve him with all your heart.

     Always remember that someone that so much cherish, value, believe and trust you has entrusted that generation into your hands. He believes you are capable. He knows you can do it. You must make it because you have that project-achieving capability and you have that world- transforming power. Please let us all go back to our GOD and make change in this world together. We need change in our lives, we need change in our environment; we need change in Nigeria; we need change in the world. We youths have been sent to make this change feasible and to make it happen. Start changing the way you do things, start putting an end to things you don't like in your life, stop them so that they won't stop you from achieving.

     "A nation without a youth has no future, a youth without God has no life to live" - Abidoye O. Samuel

     All youths across the globe must see this for a change in heart. Forward this to as many friends as possible, inform groups about this and let's solve the problems of this nation together. Please let us get the job started.

I value you and cherish you a lot. That is why I have written this to put out pain. Make good use of it, and you will see yourself make it.
Have a blissful day ahead. Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year in advance.
Today's Dynamic Evaluation and Estimation with:


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