Friday 9 December 2016

A Single-eyed Man

25 days and some hours to go, baby 2017 will have to leave the conception stage and be delivered to us as a brand new period, which requires fresh and new supplies, how well are you preparing my dear? Good morning this morning gentle men and virtuous ladies, how was your night? We are all awake again this morning to embrace a new day and activate a new grace. Have a nice read, embrace a productive day, activate a new grace, end your day productively by reading carefully, meditating steadily and most importantly doing and acting what you are about to read tenaciously.

Permit me this morning to quote from the scriptures, my utmost inspiration. Please read carefully and ensure you hold unto something worth it, because we are about to discuss one thing that will wrought all round Transformation in the lives of as many who will follow diligently. We shall be reading from the book of Matthew 6:22-23: 22. The light of the body is the eye: If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23. But if thine eye being evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

What a mystery, the question many will be asking from their own interpretation of the scripture read will be, Is it evil to have two eye? I would love to answer that question, but before then, let's consider this thought for us to rightly comprehend. The content of Matthew chapter 6 with a close and wise look contain messages to leaders and potential leaders. Jesus Christ the Master started his long talk about the backbone of successful leadership starting from the chapter five of that Book. The Potential Leaders of the early churches who are Christ's disciples, sat to learn in deep parables. Christ understand the use and importance of orientation before execution.

A single-eyed man to my own understanding of that verse, is simply a single-minded man. Your eyes is then evil when you are double-minded, and I believe you know that anyone with a dissevered mind is unstable is all he does, and attracts gross darkness to the body(the led) he leads. The eyes is among the leading organs of a man's body, it determines and defines, who, what and where is good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant and many more.

As a Leader in any sphere at all, you are a eye that sees beyond what your followers behold, that knows the path to follow better than anyone else does. The mind of the leader therefore is a key tool that determines the up rise or downfall of any body at all. Open your ears to my words, things fall in place when all attentions are focused on just one course, but things will fall apart when attention is being carved up without centre of focus. The darkness that befall a body that has a leader with an evil eye is very great, because that's the agony a double-minded man induce upon himself and the body he leads.

There is nothing that can be achieved when attention is been divided. A man with one focus is a course worth studying by anyone who desire to succeed in life. A man with focus illuminates the darkness of the body he leads, during his rule as a leader the race is graced with abundant light that will help the people see and pass through. The people being foolish therefore, are being transformed by the rays of wisdom breaking forth from the Single-eyed Leader, all these shows how important the better condition of a leader's eyes and mind should be ensured. The sight of the Leader is what determine the sight of the Led.

Are you a single-eyed man or woman? If you are not, define circumstances and summarise them all under a course worthy of focus today and let all attention be directed towards that one course alone. God bless you as you start amending your ways and strengthening your centre of focus. Have a productive day!

Share with friends, family, loved ones and well wishers. Above all share with your enemies by so doing you level upon their heads hot coals of Fire. You are unique and I cherish you for that. Let's continue next time!

Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth.

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