Sunday 11 December 2016

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_28-06-2016._BELIEVE IT! ACHIEVE IT!

Glo will say, Rule your world, "Whatever you believe, you can achieve". Possibility does not grow out of the soil of MAYBE, it grows out of the soil of SURETY. You have to be sure of yourself and of the plans you've plotted towards the achievement of that particular project, trust your plans and believe in them, your belief will help you see the reality of your project in mind, and whatever you can picture in your mind, you will capture in life. Good morning wonderful fans of the entire Samuel O. Abidoye's Nation, I hope you had a divine encountered rest last night, we've commenced our discussion for today, let's paddle the boat on. Read every line carefully and derive something meaningful please. Be careful of your manner of interpretation.

To believe is to have a firm and an unshakable conviction as to the goodness and possibility of something. MICHAEL JORDAN, a great man with an unshakeable vision and undiluted dream, failed times without number but because he believed he is not created to be a failure, he later succeeded and today when talking about Basketball, you can't but mention his name. EDMUND HILLARY, failed at first when he wanted to climb the tallest mountain in the world, Mount everest, he didn't see himself as failure. And because if this, he tried again the Second time, he succeeded and today he is the only determined mind that has ever successfully climbed to the top of the Mountain. No matter how impossible your idea may seems, you just believe, since we serve a God of all possibilities, we should believe that all things that seem impossible can be made possible by deriving resources from the right source and by determination, someone once asserted that we don't have dangerous people in the world, what we have are people with dangerous ideas, just believe and work towards the manifestation thereof, you should then be ready to inscribe your name upon the globe of history. THE WRIGHT BROTHERS conceived an idea that seems impossible, how can a metal fly in the air? People derided them of their foolish thinking, but today metal flies here and there in the air, not only that, air transportation is the fastest means at the moment. Dangerous and mysterious history was made. And up till date, their impact is still fresh in our memory. Ideas that lives beyond the grave!.

Your BELIEVE-FI-CATE not your CERTIFICATE that determine what you can achieve and attain from life. Abidoye O. Samuel

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

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