Friday 9 December 2016

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™ You are Unlimited 24/07/2016

Good morning your eminence, I am sure your night was awesome. Happy New week to you all and Happy Sunday!. It is with gladness of heart that I write you this morning, waking up this morning is enough to be glad, many of us are awake for the activities of today, many could not make it, you can talk, walk, see, feel, move, All of these are enough reasons to be glad for the faithfulness of your keeper who never sleeps nor slumbers.
Do not limit yourself, think more, dream more, pursue more, do more and be more. Several time, you've read and heard people say you are unique and you feel wow! With great enthusiasm within, but you still get to your base not realising where your uniqueness lies. Being Unique may not necessarily be in your appearance, in the way you dress, in the way you speak, in the way you look or what have you. Being Unique is more than all that, the uniqueness I am talking about are the innate qualities that when brought forth into reality will capture the attention and encouraging comment of others, even though we are not to be after that as unique people.

Many have so limit themselves that they use the success of some selected few as a yardstick for their own achievement in life. They just naturally believe that since Mr. A could be able to make 4.43 during his days in the university, I should be able to make nothing less that 3.50 after all they both fall on the same soil, forgetting that, we are all born and design with different abilities that are meant to distinguish us from others. If our thinking can be right, our life will never be wrong. It is the collection of what a man's thought processes that result into what we see physically. If Mr. A or Mr. B wasn't able to build a mansion, don't limit yourself because you can even build something much more than a mansion, if he or she didn't graduate with a first class, you can because you are two different breeds, and you are not anyhow breed but a Unique one.

Many other uses conditions as their own yard stick. Oh, since 1983 Mass communication department of Olabisi Onabanjo University has been able to produce just one first class student and because of this you limit yourself and believe you can't even make that first class talk less of going beyond the person's CGPA. As a matter of fact that person came into the school and broke an existing record to set new edge, you can also do the same and I tell you your foot print can never be erased from the sand of time, at the realisation of a height as great as this. Guide your path with the promises of God, zoom the future with determination in mind, if at all you can't purchase the past, make the future feasible for you by working earnestly now towards birthing the best then.

Here is my advice this morning, we are blacks doesn't mean we should be limited in any area at all, we've got a Unique Brain, mind, and thinking faculty that can connect to divinity and extract profitable ideas that will transport your life from where it is now to where it ought to be. You can think more and travel any distance in your thought because your imagination is the biggest nation, just keep travelling, work on ideas that flow in, in order to make a stamp of physical manifestation of your conceived ideas. Don't be limited by any thing at all, you are completely created, you have all it takes to attain heights and be above only. See yourself as a breed completely fashioned and designed and you will achieve your life's assignment completely. Enjoy this glorious Sunday!

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!

This should be read by every one, share with all your friends and groups.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel. SamWealth

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