Saturday 10 December 2016


I never knew this is how far a man can delve deep in mind's sight whenever he stands his ground, having no one around to interfere. Good morning Brethren in the Lord, it is grace writing you again this morning, if not for the Love God has for us, I can't imagine what people around us will be saying of us by now. Isaiah chapter 59:1 - 2 says something, and the information been passed in that scripture reveals that God is still interested in Mankind, he still loves to save and deliver us from the predicament(s) we are battling with, God is still in the business of attending to the cry of his Children, but one thing he said has constructed the bridge of hindrance, let's read that verses now: 1. Behold the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear; 2. Behold our iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear". Our iniquities has deafen his ears that he can't hear our cries no matter how we scream and shout, talk less of saving us.

God's Love for us cannot be quantified, he loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for our sins and crimes. God showed interest in humanity, that was why he sent his son. But it is sad that after the death of his only begotten son, we paid and have been paying him back, bad for good. What else should he have done that he hasn't? He made all things beautiful for us to Enjoy, If we know our right as a bona fide part of the body of Christ, we are to be living as Kings and Queens, but sin has overwhelmed mankind, that it has succeeded in rendering us blind, deaf and useless, we just keep praying with all might, sapping our strength unnecessarily, we keep fasting no result, we continue to shout like  toothless bulldog that can bark but cannot bite. Our ceaseless prayers seems to have no effect. It can't have effect, as a matter of fact heaven can not recognise your voice, that heaven identification mark upon you is no where to be found anymore, until you do a sincere analysis of the way you are living your life and you discover you've done a great havoc to your relationship with your source, then and only then will you know areas where mercy is needed and you will be delivered if you show readiness to carry your cross and look up to him. He that is rightly related to his source can never lack resources and will be resourceful.

Here is what I want to address finally, fault finders and error seekers that haven't fix their own lives, but show hypocritic concern about the lives of others, be careful, again I am begging, be careful. The Bible says in Romans 3:23; "For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God". All have sinned, so it is the responsibility of every Christian who desire heaven with all enthusiasm to access their lives daily, so as to plead for mercies if there is any area at all, they might have wronged God. True Prosperity begins with the confession of your sins - Abidoye O. Samuel. Rather than find faults without proffering any solution at all, ensure first that you are standing upright and go to your secret place in intercession for the souls involved.

The kingdom of heaven is here, let's be careful and very vigilant in order not to miss the eternal glorious reign with our Lord Jesus Christ. Peace be unto us as we begin to observe and do according to all that the scriptures have to say.

°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell

He that hath ears, let him hear what God is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.

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