Friday 9 December 2016

°||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||°DEWS°™ 2016-LETTER TO THE YOUTHS.

A wonderful day great fans. Let's go straight to the point, I view it this way - those sectors whose affairs are been directed, controlled, managed and influenced one way or the other by the government, sectors like, the Health sector, Agricultural sector, Educational sector and so on, often dwindle and sink into the mire of failure and poverty. Successes achieved don't last long, I have come to realize that it is because, they have vision but lack the grace of implementation, it is a different thing to be vision filled and it is another thing to be able to implement plans in order to make manifest your vision.

Looking carefully into private sectors, most especially the ones that are been directed and managed by youth, great successes are in great quantity and there are successes that last long. These are not just Youth but determined and focused Youth that have resolutions for change and for destiny fulfillment. Looking at the music industry both secular and gospel, the youth are the dominants thereof, take a look at the movie industry whether secular or religious, the dominants there of are youth, looking deep and carefully into soccer, youth are the dominants and participants of it. What then am I trying to say with all these analysis? We can easily point our hand out at successes in the Empire of youths and success can most times be sourced out in the leadership of determined youth.

It is time to take over and stand our ground. I am sure if we are involved in other sectors aside the ones I mentioned earlier, we shall also experience great success in them because we are destined to make all things well and right. We can, I can assure you, but many of us are still sleeping, potentials are lying useless within many youth, they refuse to explore these potentials to lighten up their dark world. We have tried all these old men times without number, they are doing the little they can and I can partially applaud them for the great works that is been done in the past, but in a time like this, where all things seem to be in utter disorder, I believe as Youths we can think better, implement better, act better and birth better things because we are better people and a chosen generation, just because of the fact that we haven't discovered who we are and haven't unleashed our true identity, as the sons and daughters of the great I am that I am, whose good works and fruit we are enjoying now, we find it difficult to make good use of our destinies - the essence of our existence.

The first problem you should kill is self. A Yoruba adage says if there is no enemy within the enemy without can do us no harm. We should stop looking down on ourselves, we should try as much as possible to always fertilize our self esteem and always have confidence in ourselves that we can do all things through our saviour who strengthens us and labels us the best among other species. If you can kill self, you've killed doubt, pride, fear, anxiety, self centeredness, double minded life and many patterns of failure that can ruin your struggle.

Other sectors are in need of us, let's forsake and abandon those things that are of no benefit to us, quit that association that adds no value to your life, exempt yourself from time wasting endeavours and focus on your life, focus on your future, focus on making your environment better. Let's make a strong bond of the inseparable and join hands to make our world the best. My friends, I gear you this day and I am telling you from the bottom of my heart that you are capable and you can do it, there is no specie that has been designed like you, what you can do is different, imagine we are able to establish that which we can do before death calls, our country will set the pace amongst others and we will be glittering and sparkling like gold. We all get the honour if we emerge as the best in the nearest future as a better country, we all receive the blame otherwise.

Let the adults also make way for the youth, we are born to see vision and not to just dream. The future of Nigeria lies in our hands, give us chance so that you would know what the future holds for this country.

The kind of citizens that make up a city will dictate what kind of city it is.

Thank You!

°Unleashing the true identity of Visionaries for the betterment of the world

°I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights. Let's talk.

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