Friday 23 December 2016

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™ _24-12-2016_ Season of Recovery

Towards the end of the month of November and so far in the month of December, I have attended and read broadcast of many programmes, Church programmes most especially, the themes of which are centred on Recovery. With this mentality to the glory of God, a lot of good things that were once lost have been recovered by many, who acknowledge the fact that something is missing in their lives.

Good morning sons and daughters of the most righteous father. I want to believe you are elated and grateful to see a beautiful and glorious day like this, Christmas eve as we call it, at that. You of course ought to be enthusiastic about moving closer to the end of the year with every seconds that passes by. But I want to advise that to your great feeling of enthusiasm, add sincere personal assessment, in order for you to know what you still need or do not need in this year and in crossing over into the coming year.

With the happenings of recovery everywhere, what situation, attribute, character, material, vision and other better life's determinants needs to be recovered and reinstalled in your life. Everyone surely has something to recover, if only you can be sincere with yourself during your personal assessment. According to research, large percentage of youths in this present age recorded and is still recording high reduction in sanity and positivity, All these reductions are as results of what has been lost in the past. The best way to aim the great height you use to be before or even higher, you sincerely need to first of all acknowledge the fact that something which needs reinstallation is needed in your life. If you still find yourself in the camp of pretenders, where they've trodden under foot, the reality of themselves but work according to fake frame of personality.

Many comes out and outline complaints of how better their former is when compared to their future. I read better before than I do now, I pray better before than I do now, I study and meditate on the word better before, than I do now and many more. Majority of youths keep finding difficulties in the deeds of what will promote their lives and destinies but don't find it difficult to do other things. My dear, no one can rescue you better than yourself. Rescue yourself now before it is too late, recover and don't cross into 2017 with expired products and life.

Rescue yourself by completing the mission of assessment which is to check critically and proffer solution to setbacks and problems. Sit yourself down and ask yourself questions, it isn't difficult. It is in the course of asking and answering questions, that you will get answers to all life's questions left unanswered. I am writing you this morning because I believe in you and I believe you will make it someday. I love you and cherish you and that is why I wouldn't be affected by taking out of my time to inform you.

December 28th in a bit. The mouthpiece of the most Holy God was born in the 90s on a Day like it. Have a productive day Dearies.

Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights. Let's talk.

Monday 19 December 2016

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™ 19-12-2016. The Reality of Vision

The mind's picture that allow one feature in the future. Vision is that passport that will land you in your destination as ordered by and from heaven. Good morning Great ones, I trust you enjoyed your night rest! It's a fresh beginning of a special week. What are you seeing to be of you in another journey that will begin in two weeks time, what you picture about this fast approaching journey of another three hundred and sixty five days is called Vision.

There is a vision that birth visions, insight that clear the sights of others. A vision given from heaven on the fifteenth of July, two thousand and fifteen. An eye through this vision has seen into the coming year and has covered the whole event of how things will run. It's time to uncover possibilities that have been veiled with impossibility in time past up till now. It's time to activate the can-do option of life and think in the I'm possible realm of the mind.

What Visionaries have always want to see is continuous improvement, betterment, development and progress in the lives of people, in their residents, and in the country at large. Old women and men who we believe are in the dependent stage of their life are also struggling to make ends meet, what a life!.

Youths with glorious destiny and wonderful future have truncated the plans of divinity for their life by involving themselves dubious and fraudulent act, causing increment in crime commitment everyday. What a life I have always thought and what can solve all this. A journey of a thousand miles begins truly with a massive move and we need to begin the move to heal our land.

Possibilities Visionaries International, a nation of distinguished thinkers and seers of Possibilities in what or who has been written off, be it business, academics, career or life generally. Going about, Rekindling fainted hopes, empowering the weak, encouraging the mocked, helping up the downtrodden, giving wisdom to fools and waking up sleeping lions.

What an assignment every right thinking privileged citizens should partake in. Weekly and Monthly programmes and projects that must see the light of reality have been prepared and fixed, do yourself a great good by joining a  vision set to make right all things in the bad frame-like economy. I stand to ensure lives are being transformed and to help people accomplish the essence of their existence. Help people to get better and you will see that your getting better in all ramifications is not farfetched.

I say, afford yourself this opportunity. Join again I say join!

Have a productive day and let every moment marks fruitfulness.

Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

Sunday 11 December 2016

•||Didactic||Exhortation||With||SamWealth||•DEWS• 06-12-2015. SamWealth's Inspirational Corner!

Tuesday Tip
Beautiful morning to you all, I trust you had a wonderful Monday. It's been a while though, we stopped DEWS for sometime so that those helping us with the online update can meet up.

Thank God for protecting us up to seeing a day as bright as this. Happy New month to you all. Welcome to the month of Kings and Queen because I was born in this month.

Happiness is the key to greatness in life, be it academically, maritally, career wise, and other endeavours we engage in as human.

We can liken happiness to being fortunate, lucky, contented and satisfied. When you are happy you are pleased with whatever is happening around you, because you are on the right track. When you are well suited to a situation you are happy.

I know of a very rich home of 2 children and their parent. Their home is referred to as a home of conflict in their vicinity, why? Because happiness is missing in that family.

Happiness will point you out for greatness. "Happy is that man that findeth his purpose in the land of the living, whosoever has discovered his or her purpose on earth will be successful". This shows that happiness is the bedrock of everything.

If there is anything you are involved in and you are not deriving happiness from, it is better you quit or make amendments, if you don't, you might have to fail.

Many students have been pushed to do courses they don't like, many are those that have been force to marry people they don't love, many have chosen the wrong career and have ended up woefully.

Every wrong step taken will yield nothing but wrong result-Abidoye O. Samuel.

Get out of the trap of men, stand out of the multitude and be above your colleagues.

Many thanks for reading and sharing.
God bless you and I cherish you.
Have a blessed day ahead.

Anticipate the POWERFUL T. W. O.

•||Didactic||Exhortation||With||SamWealth||•DEWS•™ 28/12/2015. °SamWealth's Inspirational Corner° END OF THE YEAR ADVICE FROM DEWS (1)

     Good Morning great minds. How was your night? I am so happy today. In fact i am the happiest man today. For the fact that I am a year older today. God has added to me and he is still adding to me.

     My heart felt appreciation goes to every one most especially my family, friends, brethren in Christ, fellow visionaries, course mates, wonderful family on campus, all ascomites, and every other person.

     Today is indeed a great day for me. I have chosen to impact lives today. I want to share with you a key thing in life, which I have always apply and I can see the result and end product in my life today. If you can determine to start applying it as from today. It will definitely work for you.

     ''THINK AND TAKE ACTION''. I will never forget this statement propounded by myself and my friend Mr. Kore nicked 'fanta'; "The world doesn't really belongs to thinkers, the world really belong to THE THINKER-DOERS"...

     Many people most especially youth of now a days can think big, and also can plan excellently but find it difficult to take actions due to the risk involved.

    Not minding the fact that we have several great men and women across the world from different races, every great man or woman you know, you've seen or you've heard about, there is always one thing they have in common and that is the ability to think their way out of problems. They  have a thinking formulae for every problem and challenges that wants to struck. After thinking they plan and take action.

     The only difference between the rich and the poor is the way they think and also their decision in terns of taking actions.

     I so much detest the word wish, how I wish, how I wish, it kills, yeah it does!. If wishes were to be granted immediately uttered, believe me those we refer to as the poor will be the wealthiest persons on earth.

     I challenge you today to think your way out of the multitudes and take actions. Don't be afraid of taking risks, don't give up. Life is all about risk starting from the inception. Think big, act as required so that you will grow big and move.

     Act now. Do not shift, do not procastinate. Do the right thing at the right time and the right thing shall always locate you at the right time. Be as low and humble as possible. Read book that will promote your thinking and guide you in whatsoever field.

     Have someone that will mentor you and challenge you to think and take actions. You need a spring of motivation that will make you motivate your self and get fulfilled.

     Thank you very much for reading and sharing.

I'm fulfilling destiny!

•||Dynamic||Exhortation||With||SamWealth||•DEWS•™ 24/12/2015. °SamWealth's Inspirational Corner° END OF THE YEAR ADVICE FROM DEWS (2)

Good morning orning Leaders of tomorrow and strength of the future. I hope you came across great things in your dream land. I trust you are doing well even with the family.

     We started this wonderful aspect of our article yesterday and I must tell you this, I received different types of encouraging comments from our great readers. I want to urge you to please read this also and try as much as possible to put all that will be said into action; and I believe you will begin to experience something positively different from before.

     A great man, highly respected king and honest preacher once advised, that as youth we should "Remember our creator in the days of our youth, when the evil days have not come". From this, we can deduce that as a person that has glory and as a person with a shining star, evil days will surely come, problems will surely surface, failure will struck. They can never be ruled out in the life of an extraordinary gem like you and me. But it has been rightly said that even if the evil days come, the only thing that can save us and keep us on track is recognising our predestination. A great and mighty divine personality took it as his responsibility to create someone like you so as to fit into somewhere in this world and do great wonders.

     Until we the youths of this nation get to know that we are not in this world by accident, neither are we here by chance, we will remain stagnant and our nation will be unproductive. As youths, where ever you find yourselves always know that you are a light and strength that should prevail. You can never become a winner until your soul has been won back to he who place you here.

     The G-factor is a very powerful factor that no man, I repeat, no man can succeed without it. You want to discover your purpose, the purpose is given by who you want to succeed, who gives success. You want to make impact in your generation without allowing the impact of Divinity in your life?NO WAY! Wake up and know that everything has source except our great Creator. You have a source;you are just a dust that can be blown away anytime, any day. You have to know your GOD which is the G-factor and serve him with all your heart.

     Always remember that someone that so much cherish, value, believe and trust you has entrusted that generation into your hands. He believes you are capable. He knows you can do it. You must make it because you have that project-achieving capability and you have that world- transforming power. Please let us all go back to our GOD and make change in this world together. We need change in our lives, we need change in our environment; we need change in Nigeria; we need change in the world. We youths have been sent to make this change feasible and to make it happen. Start changing the way you do things, start putting an end to things you don't like in your life, stop them so that they won't stop you from achieving.

     "A nation without a youth has no future, a youth without God has no life to live" - Abidoye O. Samuel

     All youths across the globe must see this for a change in heart. Forward this to as many friends as possible, inform groups about this and let's solve the problems of this nation together. Please let us get the job started.

I value you and cherish you a lot. That is why I have written this to put out pain. Make good use of it, and you will see yourself make it.
Have a blissful day ahead. Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year in advance.
Today's Dynamic Evaluation and Estimation with:


•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_05-06-2016._INJECT MORE EFFORT

"Thank God it is Monday! Is what you are doing today getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow? Go, inject more effort into that dream today." I hope you all woke up on the right side of your bed, Good morning your royal majesties. How was your night? Let's begin.

The above was the first message I received from MTN this morning, it is worth a million dollar so I decided to share. If you are living every day of your life, and you notice no distinct improvement worth pointing at, it means you are just whining away time. What is the essence of the twenty four hours in a day in your life, are you working everyday to be victorious in your field or you keep failing without remaking your failure to success and reshaping your mistake to star. What is the essence of the one hundred and sixty eight hours you own to yourself in every week spent, time is an equal asset own by every human being, investing in your time is what determine your standard of living, I don't know if you get that?

Today is a sincere start of a bright week, make all you do count. Do what you love doing and love whatever you find yourself doing, make sure every step you take is a drop that will develop into the mighty ocean of your life. Solve people's problem, and while solving their problems please don't leave yours aside. Encourage someone, persuade him or her to think about something positive, do it and stay positive. Implant the Spirit of positivity into the lives of everyone you come across, and increase the world positive and optimistic minds. Your effort will determine when you will come forth as a star fashioned to shine forth. Inject more effort and make your future more clearer, brighter and real.

That is the short Exhortation for today! I hope you grabbed something?

Many thanks for reading, please share and encourage someone to press on and not give up! Enjoy your week, It is yours, use it wisely and judiciously.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_28-06-2016._BELIEVE IT! ACHIEVE IT!

Glo will say, Rule your world, "Whatever you believe, you can achieve". Possibility does not grow out of the soil of MAYBE, it grows out of the soil of SURETY. You have to be sure of yourself and of the plans you've plotted towards the achievement of that particular project, trust your plans and believe in them, your belief will help you see the reality of your project in mind, and whatever you can picture in your mind, you will capture in life. Good morning wonderful fans of the entire Samuel O. Abidoye's Nation, I hope you had a divine encountered rest last night, we've commenced our discussion for today, let's paddle the boat on. Read every line carefully and derive something meaningful please. Be careful of your manner of interpretation.

To believe is to have a firm and an unshakable conviction as to the goodness and possibility of something. MICHAEL JORDAN, a great man with an unshakeable vision and undiluted dream, failed times without number but because he believed he is not created to be a failure, he later succeeded and today when talking about Basketball, you can't but mention his name. EDMUND HILLARY, failed at first when he wanted to climb the tallest mountain in the world, Mount everest, he didn't see himself as failure. And because if this, he tried again the Second time, he succeeded and today he is the only determined mind that has ever successfully climbed to the top of the Mountain. No matter how impossible your idea may seems, you just believe, since we serve a God of all possibilities, we should believe that all things that seem impossible can be made possible by deriving resources from the right source and by determination, someone once asserted that we don't have dangerous people in the world, what we have are people with dangerous ideas, just believe and work towards the manifestation thereof, you should then be ready to inscribe your name upon the globe of history. THE WRIGHT BROTHERS conceived an idea that seems impossible, how can a metal fly in the air? People derided them of their foolish thinking, but today metal flies here and there in the air, not only that, air transportation is the fastest means at the moment. Dangerous and mysterious history was made. And up till date, their impact is still fresh in our memory. Ideas that lives beyond the grave!.

Your BELIEVE-FI-CATE not your CERTIFICATE that determine what you can achieve and attain from life. Abidoye O. Samuel

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_04-07-2016._ HAPPY MOMENT, EMBRACE GOD

Good morning friends, I am happy I am back again to share this great testimony with you. I write and people from different race practicing different religion read, digest and nod head in acceptance to what I preach. It has been what I love doing, and has becoming part of my daily routine, to write in order to gear people up and increase the hotness of their zeal before going out, to make their day count.

My God, Our creator, is still in the business, the business of doing great wonders that will cause tears of joy to drip down your eyes and your enemies can't help but just regret their silly actions. In the beginning of this paragraph, I wrote - "My God, Our Creator", why? He is my God because, I have accepted him to be and I acknowledge the fact that he is my father, and I am ready by his grace made available in surplus to humble myself and be led under him and by him. He is our creator, he created each and everyone of us, the fact remains that few, just few have actually accepted to be led by him and acknowledge him as theirs. This God is just one, other gods are just mere objects, symbols and all sort of images that are not even worth calling human not to talk of calling them God, eyes that can't see, ears that can't hear, mouth that can speak, legs that can't walk, hands that can't move, what then is the essence of this funny wooden creature, people refer to as their gods?

Why not let's accept and embrace the omnipotent, the omniscient, the omnipresent, the Almighty, the Alpha and the Omega, the one and only true God, who was! Who is! And who is to come!. The God who rescued me from the hungry belly and thirsty tongue of Death. He might be your creator, but not be the owner of you again, reason being that many have sell out themselves to furniture, Stones, Symbols, Images and many other objects. It repent the most high God that he created many because rather than dig out their true identity from this world of gross darkness, they consent to join the promoters of darkness.

I am back on track now by his grace, to unleash great identities after the attempt of the enemy to attack me, all because I have a father, he is an Almighty God, He is the King of kings, at the sound of his voice every other gods are rendered powerless. If I am his son, he is ready to do all he can to protect me. I recommend him for you, have a taste of him and you won't regret it. Back out from all sort of services and worships that render the light in you dim, stand on your feet say no to defeat and illuminate the darkness of this world with the incomprehensible light that shines in your.

Those who sow a tear, shall reap a Joy😥😊

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!

This should be read by every one, share with all your groups.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_08-07-2016._ PRAYER WORKS

Good day wonderful breeds of the most creative God. I hope you are all doing well. We are going places, just stay glued and keen to your most promising source of inspiration, and get from it everything you need as a man or woman of destiny, in this world of serious competition. Let's discuss something timing this morning. Prayer is the key, pray is the master key that unlock all kinds of locked doors. There are more to prayer that this general knowledge.

Answers to prayer comes in form of instructions and directions, rightly applied instructions is what brings about the manifestation of our requests. Only few know this truth, and thank God it has come now to illuminate our ignorance, nothing comes by chance but by choice, the choice is between listening and applying of heavenly instructions or folding arms to watch miracle happen without doing anything, it may seems hard at times but you just have to apply these instructions in order to get your needs met, and be what you need to be.

I was in a discussion of reality with a friend and mentor yesterday, he said; "if praying brings money, then Prayer warriors should be richest, but prayer only gives you direction or revelational insight, you must work it out". Our God remains the same, he follows process and he will always follow process, Someone said; we are the architect of our own ministry and misery. We have to work out what we want by ourselves. Ours is to demand, heavens is to provide instructions and directions, ours is also to apply instructions given from heaven in order to make happen the reality of all our demands.

All what prayer does is make our endeavours easy and lubricate situation for us, so that we can easily attain heights in life with little or no stress, that doesn't mean we should sit back with folded arms. We still have to work to help our faith. The good news this morning is that, prayer works! It seeming not to work for us, simply because, we refuse to do what is required of us to balance the equation involved in ask and it shall be given. Only God does his own part of the job, we most time fail to carry out ours and it can never work that way, both party have to carry out their responsibilities to ensure full manifestations of demand.

Our God is still in the business of providing his children with their needs, Go to him and he will not fail you. Just believe, have faith and be ready to work.

Embrace him! Embrace Success!

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!

This should be read by every one, share with all your groups.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_12-07-2016_ CANKERWORM OF CORRUPTION

After occasions of different kinds and events my eyes witnessed, I have come to the realization that what 97% of Nigerians Complain about is Corruption, and what is painful here is that none of them is to be left out when listing out the names of corrupt leaders, workers and citizens generally. Corrupt people complaining of corruption, and the reality of this matter is that, it is only a fool that will complain about the impact himself is making or has made. We should all know that corrupt citizens will make up a corrupt city.

I was on bus yesterday for hours, going back to the hold of my future, we came across Five different point where we were stopped by different set of policemen, anyone who stops the bus amongst them will collect a sum of #100 even the proper checking they are suppose to observe, they don't do at all. At a point the driver of the bus I was in dropped #200 and was given a sun of #100 as change by the policeman that stopped us, I shook my head in pity for my dear Nation. What a disaster, if all these should continue, when then are we going to be delivered from this locust that has sucked almost dry the good of this land?

If those that should fight against corruption and corrupt themselves, then I wonder who will set us free from the invasion of this deadly cankerworm. This is the truth, it is either you are a problem to the problem or you are a solution to the problem of your land, there is no middle ground it is either you belong to one of those two groups. The policemen scene I witnessed yesterday, label these people as problems trying to fight problem, I wonder how problem will try to fight problem, what will be the result of their war, what else if not increment in problem?

Where you live, in your place of work, in your school, in your religious environment, in the association or organisation you belong, as a leader or follower, are you a problem to problem or a solution to problem. What kind of influence are you having on people that surrounds you? Do you even care to know what people say concerning you whenever you are absent from the scene? Are you observing your best to ensure the reduction of corruption or you are even part of those that foster the daily growth of corruption in this nation? Our nation is bleeding seriously from sours and cuts of corruption, the treatment this bleeding needs to stop is more solution providers than mere complainers and problem igniters and promoters. Unsubscribe yourself from the problem to problem type of association and subscribe to the solution to problem type of association by so doing a better Nigeria and a Better world is not far fetched.

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!

This should be read by every one, share with all your friends and groups.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth

I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights. Let's talk.

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_14-07-2016._ THE TONGUE

Elizabeth woke up this morning, glad and elated, something special must have occurred in her dream, in no time she started her morning devotion, she sang with great enthusiasm and prayed for minutes out of a sincere heart that really wants something. After prayer she got into the bathroom to realise her water has been used, with a loud voice that could deafen the ears she started raining curses, mighty curses that should not be heard by any one. Just like a person that looked into the mirror to know how natural and beautiful she looks and went her way, all to forget what manner of being she is. How it is that the same tongue she happily praised God with and pray with early that day, was the same tongue she cursed with.

The tongue! a member of the body and also the head of the world it leads. A world of two different output categories, a world of evil and a world of good. A world of iniquity and fairness, a world of destruction and instructions. Many have killed with their tongue while few have bring back to live with their tongue. The same tongue you use to pray to your God, the same tongue you use to bless yourself and family, you still use to insult, abuse, discourage, curse and do all manner of evil. Why not personally define the use of your own tongue, so that you can build your world around the definition of use you've given to your own tongue.

Many a times I wonder how a fountain can bring forth both salt water and fresh water, I wonder how bitter and sweet water can be produced from the same fountain. Outrightly impossible! But why then do parents, leaders, so-called pastors, apostles, ministers, and other great men of God find it easy to utter curses, insults and abuses out of the same mouth they use to bless, praise and pray to God? It is not good enough and totally out of sane, it is very wrong and should be avoided. The words that proceed out of the mouth of most of us have discouraged great projects, deter great destinies, quenched awakening hopes and have cause many to think to the point of committing suicide to eliminate themselves.

This is a golden medium to inform us of what our tongue is capable of doing, either to strengthen or break bonds of relationship, either to encourage or discourage plans and projects, either to kindle or quench hope, either to better or worsen situations, either to promote or demote, either to kill or bring alive, either to inform or deform, either to bring laughter or to bring weeping of regret. Among all these options, to which there are still more, you can structure your tongue usage and select which is best for you to do with your tongue.

Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh, your words is the reflection of your thoughts and who you really are. Let your words heal. In showing forth your good works through conversation apply the meekness of wisdom. Your wisdom in using your tongue rightly shouldn't be sensual, earthly and devilish. Let it come from above. If it comes from above, the most righteous source, you will definitely use your tongue productively to meet the standards of heaven. Your thoughts will be right and your words too.

The words that proceed out of your mouth will either increase or decrease the war you have to fight in this world of war. - Abidoye O. Samuel.

A word they say is enough for a wise. Be slow to speak, Be swift to listen and wrath will be far fetched. God bless you, enjoy a productive day.

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!

This should be read by every one, share with all your friends and groups.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ~ SamWealth.

I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights. Let's talk.

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_15-07-2016._Sowed Tears, Reaping Joy.

It all started on that great night, sweating profusely, crying within and looking sad without, hours of troubled thoughts, I asked myself a million of questions, what is the essence of living if people around me could be suffering and wallowing in poverty, groaning in pains? Why am I living, when young minds with extraordinary talents and gifts from above, end up as nothing, innate abilities die untimely, potentials lies useless and the bearer dies without unleashing them for the benefit of the world, why am I still breathing, when wrong association has taken over the whole places and humans can no longer mix themselves up with thinking minds and great personalities, exploring their talents? I should no longer walk on streets, without the wave of impact accompanying me, I should no longer come across people and their true identity remain hidden, I should no longer pass through lands and there won't be changes, I must not wake up again to see students sit home and not go to school because of money. I must not allow talents to die again. Grave - a very beautiful piece of land that have swallowed a lot of great destinies that died unfulfilled, potentials that died concealed, Glories that died without manifestation, stars hunted without shining forth, must no longer Bury people around me the same way it had been swallowing others in time Past. I am set to make a difference and the difference is now.

Crying in the dark, could not eat nor drink anything, others were slumbering and snoring, I was awake with God who never sleep nor slumber conversing deep courses. I was taken to different places in the mind, I travelled to different countries, ghettos, holds of underprivileged and i wept aloud. But God why all these things? why revealing all these things? why now? You should have revealed all these to me since for me to take moves that could lessen all these. July 15, very early in the morning, I received the way out, opened my mouth wide, God I am too young to handle this, it is more than my power, I was told; have you forgotten that you don't have to be qualified before I call you, I will make you qualified after I might have called. I was relieved, he promised never to leave nor forsake me in this great course and long race. Resolutely and Passionately I started taking moves, swifted into action quickly, no resources but the little I had then was capable for a start. I tell you, all projects that have been executed since then is beyond my wisdom, surprises just spring up from all angles and here we are today a great nation and unique people.

Helping those that needs help, liberating those that needs liberation, empowering young minds, transforming mentality of students and raising Visionaries that sees Possibilities. We've successfully reached out to over 5,000 Youths. God has been on our side and helped us to go this far. I congratulate all Visionaries that has been there right from the day one up till now. They have been wonderful and supportive in all areas.
Happy 1st Year Anniversary Possibilities Visionaries International. I am the happiest man today, woke up in great enthusiasm and very glad for the faithfulness of the King of Kings.

Using this medium to wish My Mother and Father in the Lord, Daddy and Mummy Dr. Daniel Kolawole Olukoya, what a Perfect match. I love you Daddy and mummy, I pray God continue to empower you to transform the world differently, you've imparted me a great deal and I pray God will keep you alive to eat the fruit of your labour in all ramifications.

Happy Birthday to a Senior, Mentor, Brother, Friend and Boss Mr. Emmanuel D. Osoteku. Today is a great day, I am just too happy and I pray that we shall celebrate and see more of this day is good health, great manifestation and extraordinary fulfilment. I learn a lot from you, you are a master to me, my lector and I appreciate the time I spent with you and with your world of which I am still a part in the Spirit. My prayers for the betterment of your world will not be uttered in vain.

A great day

Celebrate God today!
Celebrate me today! Celebrate Visionaries today!
Celebrate a Unique nation today!
Celebrate peculiar people today!

I am Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel

Unleashing the true identity of Visionaries for Global touch.

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!

This should be read by every one, share with all your friends and groups.


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel.

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS•™_14-07-2016._ Blessed Vessels.

When the sun rises, it shines bright for the benefit of everyone and not itself only, the bulb that brightens a magnificent edifice, illuminate the whole building and Shine for the benefit of all in the dark. The word rightly state that "Let your light so shine before men, that your good works might be perceived and your Father in heaven glorified". This mark my usual request that we should grow to benefit and better humanity in order to bring glory to divinity, many successes have been recorded but only few successes allow for record of more successes not from oneself but from others. Here is what I mean, are you the only benefactor of what you've been blessed with by God? Are you the only one enjoying that which you've been able to achieve or attain from life. If Jesus has not laid down his life, I wonder how salvation will come unto our forefathers, ourselves and posterity.

Some people after going through the whole stress and hard work of making it in life and become successful finally, they see no reason why they should help others, after all, these people didn't come in to play and suffer with me while I was suffering, is what they all say. You should know that, your effort is as useful as nothing if not for grace that was at work, if it is a contact that brought about the contract that uplifted you in life, then serve as the same contact that will bring contract to many others, knowing full well that if not for that contact you got through grace, you might still be in the struggle to make ends meet. It is not only in finances, there are many other ways you can be of help to others. Blessed vessels are those that are blessed by God and that bless others in return. Your wealth and riches are useless, if around you still lives people who suffer an MD are downtrodden. Your wealth of knowledge and experiences are useless if there are still people around you that are in need of motivation and encouragement to keep them moving.

You have been blessed in different areas, it will be good if you can serve humanity with your blessing, you will never regret it. Heaven never forget those that do good, because doing to humanity is indirectly doing to divinity, when you feed humanity, divinity is filled, when you cloth humanity divinity cherishes the beauty that surrounds it, when you encourage humanity, divinity feel happy and motivated to keep you. The good the rich fool couldn't do for just infinitesimal time was what landed him in hell, where he spends eternity, just to give little out of the million he own, made him suffer the severe pain of hell forever. God will release upon us, the grace and the power not to be weary of doing good.

We are blessed in one way or the other, let others benefit from your blessing, be it Spiritual, Intellectual, physiological, financial and/or in any area at all. The route to receiving more is giving more. I hope you will consider this morning message and go your way to always ensure you do good as a blessed vessel.

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!

This should be read by every one, share with all your friends and groups.


Written by: Samuel O. Abidoye.

•||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||•DEWS• Your Passion; Your Profession.

I have seen different people lead and serve, as a matter of fact anyways, we involve ourselves as human on one form of services or the other, but it is sad to know that only few out of the billions of souls in the world actually made their profession stem out from the root of their passion. Passion means strong feeling or emotion, but in this case, I am seeing passion as what you personally love doing, that thing that when you start doing you derive long lasting pleasure, happiness, indefatigability from, completing this definition I will say since you love doing something, then venture into the business of doing what you love - Love what you do and do what you love. Many apply for and attempt many interview not because the vacant post or office is actually what they love, nor because they want to go into what they love doing - They claim they don't have choice, whereas there are a million choices to make, unknown to them.

The day a man confirmed blind start seeing, no one needs to confirm on his behalf to be sure whether his sight has been restored or not, he is to confirm by himself and comments are to proceed out of his mouth on how good it is to see, so shall it be, even to those that can't open their eyes now to the million ways of making what they love doing what they are doing, when they see other people do what they should have done long ago but didn't do because they were after vacant posts they can do better than, many are afraid of facing this world of competition, you shouldn't be afraid of competition, you've got all you need to work out your profession with your passion, everyone would have been created to be lover of nothing if God just wanted us to do anything.

Why do you think many will work but will still fail even though they are walking in the same field they earn their certificate from? It is because they are just doing it for the sake of it. The way a man will handle what he loves will be different from the way he handles what he just went for to earn a living and nor really because he or she loves it. Until you start doing what you love doing, you may find it difficult to become what you choose to become, you need to do what you love doing in order to become what you wish to become, imagine a Mass communication student, saying he or she wants to become a Medical doctor, if he continue with Mass communication and make no attempt to revisit his passion for the needful, please how on earth will he or she become a medical doctor? It is not possible, and this is what I want to inform us about this morning.

The message that is coming to you this morning is to make your passion your profession, making your passion your profession is the only route to satisfaction, every other means won't last long, they will become crooked soon. You can only be fulfilled if you can make what you love and what you do, the same thing. A lot of politicians will keep failing because they look out for less competitive offices, they don't go for offices they love and could perform well at, they go for posts that will assure them the office. Many of us are victims of going for what is available instead of making available yourself platform that will make you do what you love, the lens of limitation has become the sight of many, and they feel all doors to achieve what they love are closed, without knowing that it is what their mind concede to that they see in reality. Imagination is the greatest nation, just keep travelling in thoughts and work towards everything being conceived, to enhance their manifestation.

We will go Global if we make our passion our world. You have abilities of Global standards in you, unleash them and what you love will become sellable and marketable all over the world. I will make my passion my profession in order to be a focus everyone wants to picture in the nearest future, join me!

Many thanks for reading, kindly share with friends, family and even your enemies. Have a blessed day!


Written by: Abidoye O. Samuel ¶ SamWealth.

I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights. Let's talk.

Saturday 10 December 2016


Brethren in the Lord, Morning. I trust you are grateful to God for making you see the last day in the month of August, I am more sure that you have started committing your ways in the 'mber months' into his unfailing hands. I am fulfilled writing you the last insight that heals for the month of August, for the switch to Biblical Exhortation with SamWealth to take place. This is worth reading by everyone who desire to have the most gracious God, lead them through the path that leads to eternity.

It is either you are been led by God or by devil in the path that leads to eternity, having God as your leader will transport you to heaven (The Abode of Eternal Bliss) through the "Vehicle of Grace", having devil as your leader on the other hand, will transport your to hell fire (The Abode of Eternal Sorrow, wailings, regrets and damnation) through the "Vehicle of Iniquities". Just a decision will change your status and turn your life around forever. Have you forgotten that his thoughts toward us are of good and not of evil, to give us a promising end.

Vehicle of Grace, the vehicle that landed Paul on the safest side. Isn't it mysterious, how a once known murderer and slayer of faithful believers, someone that has become a growing thorns in the flesh of believers, suddenly saved and totally transformed. Before and after the transformation took place, something remain constant and that is his zeal, passion and resolution in whatever he does. When he was killing, he slays with burning zeal and desire, when he was transformed and began to preach the gospel, he did it with passion, that he wrote more of the epistles than any other apostles. Vehicle of grace at work, humanly speaking this man is not worth to be called an apostle, talk less of winning soul for the same Christ he once persecuted, but divinity sees things with a different lens and does things that human can not comprehend.

It takes grace to be saved, to maintain salvation takes grace as well, no one is created to be perfect, but the grace of God cleanse our soiled garment and renew it for us to be recognised by the most Holiest. Once you are fortunate to be thrown out of the Vehicle of Iniquities, my dear brother and sister, see it as an opportunity and lower yourself to the call of God to use you, God using you will enable your lifting up in all aspects that matters. To retain your membership status in the body of Christ, you must ask for grace from time to time. For someone like Judas who was very close to Jesus, as a matter of fact, some sees him as the brother of Jesus, for him to have ended up the way he ended up, which we all know, and for someone like Saul, the slayer of the greatest number of the faithful believers and followers of Christ to have been converted and ended up as a fulfilled missionary, it means the need for grace in our lives can not be overemphasized. We need it in the journey that leads to eternity, just like we need our head to live as humans.

My Brothers and my Sisters, let's ask for grace. It takes grace to get there and it takes grace to remain there forever. See you at the top.


°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell

He that hath ears, let him hear what God is saying through his son -  Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.


Good morning specially designed gems, this morning I just have a short message for my wonderful friends and fellow Brethren. Success awaits you at the end, that beautiful golden crown you've been dreaming of, awaits you at the end of your journey, if you can critically look into what I am about to briefly discuss and ensure to do what is right even as you continue in the race. It seems like an endless journey, it has actually ended for some and it will surely end one day for you too. It is certain! Start empowering yourself and determine where you will end up as early as now, it is important.

Many Churches in this contemporary world fails to carry out their duty as a family and that is why leaders in the Christendom turn churches, the house of God into a manufacturing company of several sins and unpleasant things, which are not at all time obvious, but if you are at alert in the spirit, you will note all these things with ease. I have come to realise something, which I will disclose this morning, for us to know and determine how effective and godly our leadership role in the Church of God is, first of all carry out the same research on your immediate family.

The Bible noted one key thing in the book of 1st Timothy 3:5, since the day I came across this Bible verse, I realised that, it is actually the problem of many vessels most especially leaders, whether young or old in the house of God. Before leading others, there are some key people, whose spiritual Stand you must ensure is good enough and up to God's standard, and they are your family; Your Wife/Husband and your Children, let's consider what that portion of the Bible says - "For if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the Church of God".

There is this funny cliché but bitter truth among Christians and even unbelievers that - "The Children of Church Leaders are as worldly as you can ever imagine, they don't just show it". There are some fault you will be detained for which might lead you to hell fire. The truth is, if you know your family is not in order, if you know the spirituality of your family is nothing to write home about, I implore you to leave the work of God first then go and attend to things that requires your attention in your home, the way you lead the people of God is a replica of the way you lead your family at home, if not replica then you are leading the Church of God in hypocritically in pure pretence. In order to avoid pretence in God's Vineyard and to promote replication of positive leadership values, you need to go back to your heavenly assigned Church of God, because it is the only institution God recognises as relating to you, and when judging your works in his Vineyard, he will start from your immediate family. It is therefore important to go back and make necessary amendments.

Unbelievers out there are not easily convinced again, simply because they see no reason worthy enough for them to join the body of Christ even in the lives of the so-called Children of God.

A family in God, is a nation of faithfulness, how great it will be and how happy we will be, if we get to heaven and still find each and every of our family members there. They are the first set of people that determine our place in heaven. Let's be watchful and ensure our family is up to heavenly standard, the light of a family should be marvelous enough to illuminate the dark of this world.


°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell.

He that hath ears, let him hear what God is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.


Good Morning your Eminence. I hope you enjoyed your night rest and set for today's activities? There is something that baffles me a lot in the Christendom, it is startling and pathetic to see the so-called Christians turning man like them into their god in place of the Most Powerful God who created all humans. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, a lot of people don't longer regard God, they believe regarding the man of God is regarding God also, probably not directly, it's true but it shouldn't be too much.

He said in the book of Jeremiah 1:5; he has anointed us from our mother's womb to be Prophets and Prophetesses unto many nations. The length at which many can receive from the Lord has been shortened because they believe in what other humans like the so-called Prophets, Pastors and what have you, have for them from the Lord. Many have limited themselves so much that they can't approach their God for anything unless they see a man of God, they lose the insight of the fact that, God has anointed each and every one of us to be ministers, Prophets, Pastors, Prophetesses unto ourselves and nations.

The only thing that can distant us from God and God from us is our sins according to Isiaha 59:1-2, which I believe by now we have the understanding and we've been trying to live a life free of it, God helping us. Sincerely if your way is right with God, he will amaze you with dumbfounding testimonies, he will offer you what no man can offer, it is expected that He should be your Father, Mother, Best friend, and every other thing you can ever imagine. Ask him for anything, he is ready to Give you. He is also ready to use you to achieve mighty things, if you are ready to allow him.

If you believe you can not get anything without consulting a man of God, then you are depriving yourself of Great benefits, you are also limiting yourself and truncating chances of becoming greater, it may be hard for you to rise above that person, because in that case you put your trust in a human like yourself instead of trusting in God. Asking by yourself from God will make you fly higher altitudes in demands and reception.

Make your ways right before him, acknowledge the leading of the Holy Spirit and demand for it, Pray without ceasing, Believe and you will surely receive.


°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell

He that hath ears, let him hear what God is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.


Good Evening Brethren. It is a privilege writing you again, it is also a privilege on your side, reading another piece from the table of God to you this evening. He is worthy to be praise for keeping us alive amidst enemies that detestably hate our existence. This evening I will be saying few things that matters to us as Christians and wonderful creatures of the most Holy God.

Don't be a doubting Thomas! Thomas breached the law of Faith in the Bible, and from that day till date he has always been referred to as a "Doubting Thomas". Why do most of those who claim to be believers, servants, vessels and images of God find it difficult to believe in what their Mighty, All knowing and All doing Father, the great I am that I am can do. Someone that has been following Jesus for years, someone, people must has once referred to as a faithful believer and follower of Jesus, doubted the resurrection of Jesus.

The Law of faith States that; We as faithful believers of Christ must have evidence in things not seen, and see what we hope for as if we've gotten it. The law explains that their is this inner conviction that paints a picture of assurance for whatsoever we hope for or believe in. Lack of faith kills and nullifies positive effect of demands and supplications. We've been encouraged to ask, anytime and any day with the assurance that we will receive, if and only if we believe.

The fact should be stated, and it is that no Christian can make it without Faith, it is one of the important gifts of the Spirit, it is also one of the many armours of God designed for all Christians to possess, as a matter of fact it is in its own way a passport to spending eternity in the Kingdom of eternal bliss and peace.

Just as Thomas doubted, lack of Faith may make one, after much waiting and anticipation lose believe in what is been called the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, which is one of the truest story of wisdom ever told. Never be weary in your preparation for that day, it is as near as the next second. God Loves you and he chooses to communicate his mind to you. Enjoy and have a peaceful night rest. Once again war against being a doubting Thomas.


°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell

He that hath ears, let him hear what God is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.


It's been God's wish that human socialise and make Union that will bring about the fulfilment of his wishes which are - we should multiply, increase and subdue the face of the earth. The art of interaction, through which socialisation that brings about one relationship or the other, is been employed to honour God's wish. Adam never told God he needed a help meet, God himself knew it, that without a help meet it will be difficult for Adam to stay alone and do things all alone without the encouraging support of a woman. Along the line, it repented God that he brought about the Union of Adam and Eve, even though their coming together wasn't out of the will of God, they did something that made God so displeased and feel hugely disappointed. Good morning, enjoy every line of today's Exhortation.

It is good to relate at whatsoever length as far as you have the conviction of Yes You Can, because I made something clear some years back that it is your mentality that defines your Ability. God is the founder of Marital Institution, and he has his purposes for setting up this great institution which is a Kingdom on its own, and for this reason, it is either your relationship is a replica of the Kingdom of Heaven or of the Kingdom of Hell. Every relationship whatsoever either represent any of the two kingdoms earlier mentioned.

If you can rightly define your relationship, you will know whether to stay or not and whether it is the right one to belong or not. I was listening to a preacher say something some Sundays ago at my church, he said "The structure of Marital institution or any other relationship should be a triangular one, situating God to be above only and those involved to be at the left and right edge below respectively. As time goes on the long line below represent the distance which is the examiner of a serious test for those involved, but if both finally succeed, It now come in with my own thought that they will come together to become one, hence, making the structure of the institution a vertical line one, God above and the United two who have now become one at the bottom.

Defining the representative appearance of a bond, it is either it brings you closer to God or make you far away from him, it is either you are doing those things that will make God happy and make the future of your relationship bright, or you are making the ravening wolf, fiercely roaming about looking for whom to destroy, to be happy of having more souls in his kingdom. If your relationship often beset you to violate God's precepts and commandments you better pray and find your way out. A union willed by God will never make you sin against God. Be careful while choosing, once you are in, you are in for life, what you are into for life determine where you will end up to live eternity. - Abidoye O. Samuel.

Young and old, please let's be sane about certain things in this insane world of ours. It is our sanity that will cure the world's insanity. - Abidoye O. Samuel


°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell

He that hath ears, let him hear what God is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.


I am very sure many have been anticipating the 6th edition of the insight that heals article, I am deeply sorry I could not get it across for four days now, I have a lot on my plate. By the special grace of the Most high we shall continue this morning. This morning piece is a powerful one, no one should scroll off without reading. Enjoy!

The passion to propagate the gospel, hence populating the kingdom of God is right there within many Christians, but just like I was some months back, serving him with all my heart but was ashamed of his gospel, not until the day I realised there is a general assignment he has committed into the hands of all men, which if we don't carry out, our service in his Vineyard will be rendered ineffective, because the rays of our work aren't going beyond the roof of our various churches. Christianity is actually beyond this, that is why we are called the Light of the world, we are meant to shine for the whole world to know the basic essence of their existence. What do I mean?

The rate at which devil is harvesting the souls of people; young and old nowadays is very high, but it still amazes me so much seeing churches preach what is of no benefit to our Spirit man, as a matter of fact there was a time I was troubled in thought, and I was forced to ask myself what the essence of every Sunday gathering is, when it is only the gathering of the saved what of the unsaved out there, even our Lord Jesus Christ said he came for the unsaved, the sinners, if not him who else should we emulate, ourselves?. Just imagine on Sundays, instead of the normal service routine, that has become a tradition unknowingly, All churches go out for massive evangelism; preaching the gospel and propagating the knowledge of the kingdom of heaven, making the world know the danger of Hell, sincerely there will be changes in all aspects and the fire of revival we've been wanting all these while will surely come to and restore our land.

There is a general assignment, and the fact is, it is to the largest extent one of the determinants of your reigning with the father at the end. If you are ashamed of him here on earth, he would also be ashamed of you hereafter. Taking his assignment for granted, may make you end up in the wrong place. Christians, we are becoming cold and that is the reason for all we are experiencing now. I hope I have been able to communicate something key this morning.

It has been my prayer that the Kingdom of God and the Fire of revival should come into our land, and that the activities of the sons and daughters of the bondwomen will be put off from our dear Country forever.


°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell.

He that hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.


I heard this years back and since then I upgraded the way I worship the greatest and mightiest King of all Kings. The Preacher said - "When you pray, God send his angels down to attend to you, but when you worship, God himself comes down in the fullness of his power, might, strength, anointing, grace, mercy to inhabit your praise". In this case even before you ask from him, you are already given your needs and granted your desires, why? Simply because, he come to inhabit the praise and worship of his Children in his full mightiness and power, he then distribute the solution to the problems of each and everyone. And this is the simple logic I want us to learn this morning. God morning men and women of virtues.

The simple designed key to the open doors of many is worship, there are uncountable things to bless the name of the Lord for. An adage says, if one can deeply think, he or she will know how well to thank his or her God. That is the food he eats, that his the Cloth he wears, that is his everything, in fact it is his abode. If you enter his gate with Thanksgiving and you approach his court with praise, your life will never remain the same, it is a certain encounter of all round improvement. Entering his court with praise will surely make you encounter mercy, and he will arise to fight for you.

In spite of David's sins, falls, fails and iniquities, he still lived to be a man after God's own heart, All because he knows how well to praise God, he knows how well to worship his God, adore him and Glorify him. Even after committing one sin or the other, he knows miles to walk for God to be appeased. He also acknowledge God in every single step he wants to take. He love God and never leave God our anytime.

Prayer is good, but give worship a try and you will thank me later.


°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell

He that hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel


Good morning sages. I received countless messages from people saying Mr. Abidoye you are becoming more of a preacher than a coach and motivator the world know you as, many asked; Sir, has DEWS packed in, what's happening why the sudden change. My reply has been; my journey on earth is not a draft of my wish, it is the will of my Father who dwell in heaven and uses the earth as his footstool, I told them that I don't decide myself, I operate by the standard of divinity, the assignment that has been entrusted into my hands is what I am carrying out now. Oluwashinaayomi my son, no matter who your followers are, let the glaring truth be known, the right ones will stay and of course the rest will leave. How are you all this morning?

This morning, I shall be saying some things concerning "Attitude", this is a posts everybody should read. Attitude is your mode of behavior, that holds a reflection of how you think and feel. Attitude is a key factor in the life of every body, as a matter of fact it can be a hold of delay and stagnation, it can also be a hold of furtherance and advancement, we have to choose what role we want our attitude to play in our individual lives. 97% of the reason why you are where you are today is as a result of your character. If your attitude is right you will soar not only higher but right altitudes in life. Many don't longer receive the right training from their home again, they got chastised outside the home, and this is a big shame on the individual and on his or her family.

James Allen, a British Inspirational author said something that stroke my heart, he said "The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow, sow an act and reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character, sow a character and you reap a destiny", your attitude is a key determinant of your achievements in life, whether you will accomplish the essence of your existence or not. Tryon Edward said something similar, he said "Thoughts lead on to purposes, purposes go forth in actions, actions form habits, habits decide characters and characters fix our destiny". You determine what you become in life by how you choose to behave, act, react and respond to things that happen around you often.

The wisest man that ever lived in history, King Solomon said something amazing, amazing enough for us to think and act right, he said "A man's right attitude is what erect his stand before Kings and Queens, wrong attitude set you before mean men that doesn't matter". Now here is my message, only Kings and Queens are in heaven and for you to reign with them you need to correct your attitude to meet up with their standard, mean men are in hell fire burning eternally, you can't find mean men in heaven, if your attitudes are wrong then I believe by now you know your placement. Decide now in order for you not to fail God's purpose for your life. Attitude is the reason for the doom of many, it is also the reason for the elevation of Great men and women we see today, who passed through right paths to make good success.

I beseech you this morning that you treat your attitude rightly in order for you to find placement among Kings and Queens, the dominants of the Kingdom of heaven. Peace!

°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell

He that hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.


I never knew this is how far a man can delve deep in mind's sight whenever he stands his ground, having no one around to interfere. Good morning Brethren in the Lord, it is grace writing you again this morning, if not for the Love God has for us, I can't imagine what people around us will be saying of us by now. Isaiah chapter 59:1 - 2 says something, and the information been passed in that scripture reveals that God is still interested in Mankind, he still loves to save and deliver us from the predicament(s) we are battling with, God is still in the business of attending to the cry of his Children, but one thing he said has constructed the bridge of hindrance, let's read that verses now: 1. Behold the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear; 2. Behold our iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear". Our iniquities has deafen his ears that he can't hear our cries no matter how we scream and shout, talk less of saving us.

God's Love for us cannot be quantified, he loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for our sins and crimes. God showed interest in humanity, that was why he sent his son. But it is sad that after the death of his only begotten son, we paid and have been paying him back, bad for good. What else should he have done that he hasn't? He made all things beautiful for us to Enjoy, If we know our right as a bona fide part of the body of Christ, we are to be living as Kings and Queens, but sin has overwhelmed mankind, that it has succeeded in rendering us blind, deaf and useless, we just keep praying with all might, sapping our strength unnecessarily, we keep fasting no result, we continue to shout like  toothless bulldog that can bark but cannot bite. Our ceaseless prayers seems to have no effect. It can't have effect, as a matter of fact heaven can not recognise your voice, that heaven identification mark upon you is no where to be found anymore, until you do a sincere analysis of the way you are living your life and you discover you've done a great havoc to your relationship with your source, then and only then will you know areas where mercy is needed and you will be delivered if you show readiness to carry your cross and look up to him. He that is rightly related to his source can never lack resources and will be resourceful.

Here is what I want to address finally, fault finders and error seekers that haven't fix their own lives, but show hypocritic concern about the lives of others, be careful, again I am begging, be careful. The Bible says in Romans 3:23; "For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God". All have sinned, so it is the responsibility of every Christian who desire heaven with all enthusiasm to access their lives daily, so as to plead for mercies if there is any area at all, they might have wronged God. True Prosperity begins with the confession of your sins - Abidoye O. Samuel. Rather than find faults without proffering any solution at all, ensure first that you are standing upright and go to your secret place in intercession for the souls involved.

The kingdom of heaven is here, let's be careful and very vigilant in order not to miss the eternal glorious reign with our Lord Jesus Christ. Peace be unto us as we begin to observe and do according to all that the scriptures have to say.

°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell

He that hath ears, let him hear what God is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.


Good morning men and women of God. Since yesterday my concern about heaven increased. Well this morning I want you to know that even the world of impact can not be constructed without the involvement of God, it is not a conflict-instigating idea, it is just about making people know the spiritual truth that will allow for transformation in all other aspects and spheres of their lives. I was in a prayer gathering on Sunday Evening and I told them something, which I will say again this morning "If your spiritual life can be right, all other spheres of your life cannot be wrong, they won't have choice than to be right", why? Simply because the Spiritual controls all other angles of human endeavours, hence the importance of directing all focus to our spiritual stamina. How firm is your spiritual stand?

I have been battling with some issues in my thoughts, in my everyday prayer, I never and I have promise never to relent in praying for Nigeria and Faithful Churches across the globe, the way and manner at which the ravening wolf "devil" is devising ways to crush God instituted services nowadays is in an unrelenting matter, and that is why one needs to be extraordinarily careful and prayerful everybody, no one is excluded. The situation of things has come to a point where we have to leave aside greediness and be as selfless as possible. Stinginess in prayer and other things at this point in time will do no good, it is an element of hatred and this is when our love for one another should increase and our love for God at its peak.

Our father knows a time like this will come, that was why he warned us through his Servant Paul, saying "Let him that thinketh he stand, take heed lest he falls" - Samson, I am sure would have thought he was standing, not until he was smashed and crushed all of a sudden because of his love for material things of this world and also carelessness. We have a lot of "Samsons", we have a lot "Jonahs", with who the ship of many is wrecking seriously in the sea of life, we have many "Judas" nowadays, and a lot of Christians can be categorised under any of this three personalities.

Many may be asking that what has come over me all of a sudden that brought about all this preaching and Exhortations which started yesterday. It has been "Didactic Exhortation With SamWealth", but in the business of populating the kingdom of Heaven and depopulating the kingdom of hell, "Biblical Exhortation" will be the order, until heaven sees changes. Listen to this, If you are still serving God and you are not serving him in spirit and in truth, I am afraid you will end up like the three personalities that were earlier mentioned. If you allow the Spirit to prevail over flesh in your life, there is no way you can fall, if you give in for truth only, which is "exceptionally confirmed information",  by subscribing to the only true way that has been made available to us "Jesus Christ", he said it with the back up of heavens that "He is the way, the truth and the life, no one can come to the Father except through him".

I will say this authoritatively without bound, if you don't acknowledge him "Jesus Christ" as the only way to God, you may never get to know God, talk less of seeing him for life. It is a criterion that we must first know Christ, before we can get know God. In this perilous, evil, precarious, parlous, hazardous and dangerous time, the only person worth looking up to is God, but you can not and you will never see him with the worldly lens you are with presently, you can only see him with the lens of the Spirit, which has been made available through Jesus Christ alone, meet  doctor Jesus Christ claim your own Spiritual lens that will enable you to see clearly, by so doing, you are claiming your own personal ticket through which you will meet God.

°°°Populating the Kingdom Of Heaven and Depopulating the Kingdom of hell

He that hath ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.


Good Afternoon sages, beautiful breeds and wonderful creatures of the most high God. I have been wanting to write you since morning, but due to some hindering circumstances, I was delayed to write not until now because of the pressing feelings I have been having concerning the issue I am about to discuss.

It was myself and my God this morning during my quiet time, I went deep in sight and I was shown many things beyond my comprehension. If you think it is only your work in the vine yard of God that will save you and come together to situate your mansion in heaven, then, I am afraid you haven't started at all. Serving in God's vine yard and working day and night to make things go well as expected is very good, but the way you do your things outside there (the Vineyard) matters a lot and the most, the day I heard this statement - "Christians are the "Bible" new converts and unbelievers read".I didn't just hear for the sake of hearing alone. I was hit by that statement and I felt bad within me, making a final decision to drop some things and abandon an old man, a misrepresentation of Christ in my life.

Giving in God's Vineyard is good, such giving doesn't go I'm vain, one day there are great tendencies of reading something greater that what was given. But let me ask you, what are you doing to those that are desperately in need of basic things outside the vineyard? It is high time we stop seeing with the lens of the world and start seeing with lens of mercy, seeing through the eyes of our merciful father. I am sure we would all start seeing life from a different perspective and the change we've been awaiting for long will come.

Let your works be felt beyond the four walls of your Church auditorium; as a matter of fact, large percentage of those in your church have been saved, millions are out there unsaved; what are you doing to save them? Let's be clear about this, I am not saying you should abandon your church, but don't allow the four walls of your Church limit your service to God. Aside meeting people to preach to them the good news of the Saviour of our world, giving to them what they need, showing them care and love is part of propagating knowledge of the Kingdom.

Go out there and help people, go out there and contribute to the growth of the environment, go out there and make impact, go out there and clothe the clothless; feed those that are hungry, care for those that are downtrodden and depressed, help those that need help, and by so doing you are representing the body of Christ as you ought to and your impact is living beyond the four walls of your church and will live on after you are gone!

He that has ears, let him hear what God is Communicating through his son - Abidoye Oluwashinaayomi Samuel.


Friday 9 December 2016

°||Didactic Exhortation with SamWealth||°DEWS°™ 2016-LETTER TO THE YOUTHS.

A wonderful day great fans. Let's go straight to the point, I view it this way - those sectors whose affairs are been directed, controlled, managed and influenced one way or the other by the government, sectors like, the Health sector, Agricultural sector, Educational sector and so on, often dwindle and sink into the mire of failure and poverty. Successes achieved don't last long, I have come to realize that it is because, they have vision but lack the grace of implementation, it is a different thing to be vision filled and it is another thing to be able to implement plans in order to make manifest your vision.

Looking carefully into private sectors, most especially the ones that are been directed and managed by youth, great successes are in great quantity and there are successes that last long. These are not just Youth but determined and focused Youth that have resolutions for change and for destiny fulfillment. Looking at the music industry both secular and gospel, the youth are the dominants thereof, take a look at the movie industry whether secular or religious, the dominants there of are youth, looking deep and carefully into soccer, youth are the dominants and participants of it. What then am I trying to say with all these analysis? We can easily point our hand out at successes in the Empire of youths and success can most times be sourced out in the leadership of determined youth.

It is time to take over and stand our ground. I am sure if we are involved in other sectors aside the ones I mentioned earlier, we shall also experience great success in them because we are destined to make all things well and right. We can, I can assure you, but many of us are still sleeping, potentials are lying useless within many youth, they refuse to explore these potentials to lighten up their dark world. We have tried all these old men times without number, they are doing the little they can and I can partially applaud them for the great works that is been done in the past, but in a time like this, where all things seem to be in utter disorder, I believe as Youths we can think better, implement better, act better and birth better things because we are better people and a chosen generation, just because of the fact that we haven't discovered who we are and haven't unleashed our true identity, as the sons and daughters of the great I am that I am, whose good works and fruit we are enjoying now, we find it difficult to make good use of our destinies - the essence of our existence.

The first problem you should kill is self. A Yoruba adage says if there is no enemy within the enemy without can do us no harm. We should stop looking down on ourselves, we should try as much as possible to always fertilize our self esteem and always have confidence in ourselves that we can do all things through our saviour who strengthens us and labels us the best among other species. If you can kill self, you've killed doubt, pride, fear, anxiety, self centeredness, double minded life and many patterns of failure that can ruin your struggle.

Other sectors are in need of us, let's forsake and abandon those things that are of no benefit to us, quit that association that adds no value to your life, exempt yourself from time wasting endeavours and focus on your life, focus on your future, focus on making your environment better. Let's make a strong bond of the inseparable and join hands to make our world the best. My friends, I gear you this day and I am telling you from the bottom of my heart that you are capable and you can do it, there is no specie that has been designed like you, what you can do is different, imagine we are able to establish that which we can do before death calls, our country will set the pace amongst others and we will be glittering and sparkling like gold. We all get the honour if we emerge as the best in the nearest future as a better country, we all receive the blame otherwise.

Let the adults also make way for the youth, we are born to see vision and not to just dream. The future of Nigeria lies in our hands, give us chance so that you would know what the future holds for this country.

The kind of citizens that make up a city will dictate what kind of city it is.

Thank You!

°Unleashing the true identity of Visionaries for the betterment of the world

°I wish above all things that you succeed and achieve great heights. Let's talk.